HKU Chemists Develop Organic Supramolecular Crystals with High Hydrogen Storage Performance Promising to Enhance the Efficiency of Fuel Cell Vehicles

Ancient Volcanic Emissions Reveal a Climate ‘Tipping Point’ for Ocean Deoxygenation

First Thickness-Dependent Transitions in 2-dimensional Magnetic Material

HKU Geologists Discover Hidden Magmatism at the Chang'e-6 Lunar Landing Site, Shedding Light on Solving Fundamental Scientific Questions Relating Early Evolution of the Moon

HKU Ecologists Firstly Put an Insect Group on a Century-old Map of Biodiversity

HKU Scientists Develop AI-Driven Method to Enhance Electron Microscopy Imaging Capabilities of Complex Biological Systems

HKU Researchers Sheds Light on Overcoming Cancer Drug Resistance Unlocking Potential to Expand Use of PARP Inhibitors Across Cancer Types

HKU Chemists Developed a Clickable Tryptophan Modification Strategy for Late-Stage Diversification of Native Peptides
HKU Ecologists Discover Rare Fiddler Crab Species on Hong Kong Coast Highlighting the Impact of Climate Change and Coastal Development

Evolutionary History of Groundwater System in the Pearl River Delta and its Adjacent Shelf Revealed by the Paleo-Hydrogeological Model

HKU Chemists Develop a Chameleon-like Molecular Chain with Dual Ion Binding Capability

How the Indo-Australian Archipelago became a biodiversity hotspot

Cyclodextrins, Setting the Stage to Explore the Mirror-Image World of the Century-Old Naturally Occurring Cyclodextrins

Global Study Reveals Patterns in Arthropod Biodiversity Using Advanced DNA Methods

Mars' Methane Mystery: Earth's Qaidam Basin Offers Clues

Cosmic Light Shows Decoded: HKU Space Scientists Unravel the Unified Framework for Diverse Aurorae Across Planets Unlocking Pathways for Better Space Weather Prediction

HKU Scientists Developed a Novel Approach to Interrogate Tissue-specific Protein-protein Interactions Paving Ways to Understand Organ Development and Disease Pathogenesis

HKU Astrophysicists Discover a Novel Method for Hunting the First Stars

HKU Geologists Reveal Mysterious and Diverse Volcanism in Lunar Apollo Basin, Chang'e-6 Landing Site

HKU Study Reveals Crucial Role of Invertebrates as Eco-Custodians in Global Forest Litter Decomposition

Mapping Plant Functional Diversity from Space: HKU Ecologists Revolutionise Ecosystem Monitoring with Novel Field-Satellite Integration
![Development of heterogeneous copper photocatalysis for intermolecular crossed [2+2] cycloadditions. Image adapted from Nature Catalysis](/f/page/5762/20955/338p248/neurodegeneration.jpg)
HKU Biologists Discover Propionate Supplementation as a Potential Treatment for Parkinson's Disease
![Development of heterogeneous copper photocatalysis for intermolecular crossed [2+2] cycloadditions. Image adapted from Nature Catalysis](/f/page/5762/20869/338p248/Obesity_hku.png)
HKU Scientists Unveil Significant Discovery with Potential Impact on Obesity and Osteoporosis Treatments
![Development of heterogeneous copper photocatalysis for intermolecular crossed [2+2] cycloadditions. Image adapted from Nature Catalysis](/f/page/5762/20759/338p248/News_Faculty of Science.png)
HKU Chemists Pave the Way for Sustainable Organic Synthesis with Innovative Heterogeneous Copper Photocatalysis, Enabling Efficient Production of Diverse Bioactive Compounds

Diverse Ancient Volcanoes on Mars Discovered by HKU Planetary Scientist May Hold Clues to Pre-plate Tectonic Activity on Earth

HKU Astrophysicists Crack the Case of the “Disappearing” Sulphur in Planetary Nebulae

Recovering Lossless Propagation: HKU Physicists Overcoming Optical Loss in Polariton System with Synthetic Complex Frequency Waves

Genomic Analysis of Seized Pangolin Scales Illuminates Pathways of Illegal Trade from Africa to Asia

New Geophysical Technique Enhances Imaging of Fluid-Filled Rocks Finding Connections with Microearthquakes

HKU Scientists Pioneer Dual Trojan Horse Approach to Combat Superbugs

New Enzyme Discovered by HKU Plant Biochemists Unlocks Potential for Health-Promoting Compounds in Sorghum

HKU Chemists Create the MicroSpine with Shape-Transforming Properties for Targeted Cargo Delivery at Microscale

Potentially Producing Carbon-Neutral Fuels: HKU Chemists Achieve Sustainable Solar Energy Conversion with Artificial Photocatalysis

Let the Sun Work its Magic: Revolutionary Sunlight-Powered Catalyst Transforms Methane into Valuable Chemicals

Physical Chemists Develop Photochromic Active Colloids Shedding Light on the Development of New Smart Active Materials

HKU Astrophysicists Reveal the Nature of Dark Matter through the Study of Crinkles in Spacetime

HKU Biologists Reveal a Molecular Scissor that Cuts Chromatin Bridge and Prevents DNA Damages and Autoimmunity

New Insights into Glucose Metabolism: Targeting ATP Synthase with Chromium (III) Nutritional Supplement for Improved Blood Sugar Control

HKU Biologists Determine the Evolutionary Age of Individual Cell Types Providing Critical Insights for Animal Development

HKU Marine Scientist contributes to research assessing the potential risks of ocean-based climate intervention technologies on deep-sea ecosystems

Targeting DNA bridges: HKU Biologists Uncover key to preserve genome integrity enhancing the understanding of cancer development

HKU Chemical Biologists decode a histone mark important for gene regulation program that go awry in cancer

HKU neuroscientists discover a novel neural mechanisms of secretin receptor in regulating water intake, providing new ideas for solving hydromineral imbalance symptoms

HKU biologists designed and developed novel anti-allergic drugs by targeting Mas-related G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) X2 (MRGPRX2)

Catching the wrongdoers in the act: HKU chemists develop a novel tool to decipher bacterial infections in real time

HKU Chemist and collaborators engineered an effective and stable singe-atom catalyst which is a hundred times more effective than the commercial catalyst

HKU Marine Scientists discovered the reward and punishment system in coral-algae relationship

HKU biologists and collaborators reveal how DNA unzipping machine works, shedding lights on cancer therapy

Physicists develop a new method that strengthens electron-triggered light emission with flat bands Shedding light to produce new sources of light and build quantum-based computational and communications systems

HKU biologists reveal the bioenergetics of pollen tube growth that sustain its rapid growth

HKU physicists deploy a new advanced computing system ‘Blackbody’ for solving the most challenging physics problems

Catalysing ‘Net-Zero’ Green Hydrogen from the Sun: HKU Chemists Discover a Fundamental Catalyst Protonation Process to Promote Solar-Driven Water-Splitting for Hydrogen Production without CO2 Emissions

Global assessment by HKU Marine Scientists found that oyster reef restoration rapidly increases marine biodiversity, but increased restoration effort is needed to eliminate historical damage

Understanding polar species’ behaviour to reduce risk of extinction: HKU Scientists discovered the southward migration of Arctic Ocean species during the Last Glacial Period for the first time

HKU-Harvard physicists predict the novel entangled states on programmable quantum simulators

HKU Initiates Global Ant Census, At Least Twenty Quadrillion Ants Dominate The Global Ecosystems

HKU geologist proposes the number of ancient Martian lakes might has been dramatically underestimated by scientists

Ecologists find evidence that pet and medicine trades bring tokay geckos from across Asia into Hong Kong, impacting resident gecko populations and highlighting local and global conservation needs

Discovery of the oldest visible planetary Nebula hosted by a 500 million year old Galactic cluster – a rare beauty with a hot blue heart
HKU marine scientists unveil sea urchin's secret to surviving marine heatwaves

HKU Laboratory for Space Research put a positive spin on the Buckyball ‘C60’: Its potential for high level ionisation and as the origin for some of the Mysterious Unidentified Infrared Emission Bands seen in the Universe

HKU physicists found signatures of highly entangled quantum matter

HKU Conservation Forensics Lab develops novel environmental DNA monitoring method for identifying rare and endangered fish species sold in Hong Kong wet markets

HKU Biologists Reveal a Novel Macrophages-mediated Mechanism that Promotes Peritoneal Metastasis of Ovarian Cancer, Providing Important Insights into Its Therapeutic Strategy

HKU Biologists Find a New Protective Factor against Excessive Lipid Accumulation in the Liver of Obese Mouse Providing a Potential Treatment for Fatty Liver Disease

New Uses of Old Drugs: Silver Nitrate with More Than 2,000 Years Antimicrobial History Can Re-sensitise the Last-line Antimicrobial Colistin in Combination Therapy against Superbugs

Rapid evolution fuels transcriptional plasticity in fish species to cope with ocean acidification

An HKU biologist-led team of international plant scientists reveals how guard cell chloroplasts obtain energy

HKU Earth Scientists simulated the future: restored forests in the tropics survive climate change, prioritisation and targeting is the key to success

HKU physicists make a stride closer in the quest for quantum materials through better measurement of quantum entanglement

HKU scientists reveal orally administrated bismuth drug together with N-acetyl cysteine As a potential broad-spectrum anti-coronavirus cocktail therapy

HKU scientists discover activation mechanisms in soybean for adaptation to saline soil in hope of improving agriculture productivity

HKU biologists reveal how obesity damages the skeletal muscle metabolism, a naturally occurring flavone is identified as a potential drug for obesity treatment

HKU Paleontologists discovered shallow-marine ecosystem collapse and recovery during a historical hyperthermal event

Muscular Wing-Body Junction Improved Pterosaur Flight Performance

HKU Biologists build a megabase-sized chromosome from scratch, further exploring the potential of worm artificial chromosomes to improve gene therapy

A new method for predicting the response of ecosystems to marine heatwaves developed by international collaboration

HKU theoretical chemists develop a breakthrough quantum chemistry technique for illuminating new opportunities towards computational design and optimisation of organic photofunctional materials

HKU Physicists demystify the magic: A bona fide topological Mott insulator discovered in twisted bilayer graphene model

An explosive Cosmic Chinese Conundrum - a hot detective story from a very cold case: HKU astrophysicists solve a 900-year-old mystery giving an ancient Chinese guest star of AD 1181 a place to stay and rest

HKU and CityU made a breakthrough in vaccination development against lethal bacteria, providing new opportunity for treating resistant A. baumannii infection
HKU biologists identified bacterial proteins that promote neurodegeneration, shedding light on new ways to prevent or slow down neurodegenerative diseases

HKU environmental scientists solve key observational issues in new generation of satellites, transforming the way to track fine-scale changes of our planet from space

HKU Physicists and collaborators co-observe a higher-dimensional topological state with metamaterials

HKU Ecologists study the buffering effects of forests on climate change impacts on insect communities, revealing the importance of forest regeneration

HKU geologists discover that the NASA rover has been exploring surface sediments, not lake deposits for last eight years

HKU Ecologist applied a novel statistical method to analysing causal inference and revealed importance of climate change in controlling deep-sea biodiversity
Marine ecologists reveal mangroves might be threatened by low functional diversity of invertebrates

HKU Team Paves the Way for Learning what Ancient Birds Ate

HKU biologists identify and demonstrate a naturally abundant venom peptide from ants that activates a previously unknown pseudo allergic pathway, unravelling a novel immunomodulatory pathway of MRGPRX2

HKU Ecologists develop a novel forensic tool detecting laundering of critically endangered cockatoos

Songbirds like it sweet! A research co-developed by HKU Evolutionary Biologist found that Songbird ancestors evolved a new way to taste sugar
HKU scientists reveal silver-based antimicrobials can be utilised as antibiotic adjuvants to combat antibiotic resistant Staphylococcus aureus

HKU first-year physics PhD student obtained the Higgs mode via dimensional crossover in quantum magnets which reveals importance of dimensions in many-body systems

Developing a novel therapeutic molecule into an anti-hypertensive drug
A fiery past sheds new light on the future of global climate change, ice core samples reveal significant smoke aerosols in the pre-industrial Southern Hemisphere

International joint research reveals how fish adapt to ocean acidification by modifying gene expression

HKU researchers identify promising new biologics for obesity-related diseases

Research co-led by HKU and Lingnan ecologists reveals that wealth inequality is key driver of global wildlife trade

HKU physicists developed a new algorithm solving a long standing problem in constrained quantum material models

Seeing the unseen: HKU scientists develop a new chemical tool that sheds light on how proteins recognise and interact with each other

What do the Galapagos Islands have in common with ponds in Finland? They are both laboratories, where scientists like HKU’s Professor Juha Merila, can observe evolution in action

Research reveals that the sediment of Hong Kong’s Tolo Harbour contains Antibiotic Resistant Genes

Name an Ant initiative - HKU taxonomist brings attention to biodiversity loss by sharing with the public the excitement of discovering new life

Legal wildlife trade – ten times bigger than the illegal trade, and doing massive damage to biodiversity

HKU chemists resolve a long-standing challenging problem on Metal-Metal interaction, the first team to prove that strong M-M’ Pauli repulsion leads to repulsive metallophilicity

Faculty of Science receives funding of over HK$38 Million from Collaborative Research Fund (CRF) 2020/21 of University Grants Committee

HKU-led Physics research team receives funding of over HK$80 Million from Areas of Excellence Scheme, set to uncover emerging technologies of 2D materials to revolutionize electronics, optoelectronics and photonics

HKU Physicist participated in cross-institutional Areas of Excellence project on meta-materials and meta-devices

Research co-led by Professor Hongzhe SUN from Research Division for Chemistry awarded the Local Top Ten innovation and technology news in 2020

Four decades of research on Japanese Izu Islands finds rising lizard temperatures may change predator-prey relationship with snakes

Confirming simulated calculations with experiment results, new paradigm on quantum material research reveals topological KT phase of TMGO for the first time

Research reveals earliest record of flight-related moulting found in 150-million-year-old bird Archaeopteryx providing insights into the evolution of moulting strategies

New study finds seabird response to abrupt climate change 5,000 years ago transformed sub-Antarctic island ecosystems

Study reveals bat-winged dinosaurs had short-lived gliding abilities

HKU physicist joins international effort to unveil the behaviour of “strange metals”

Bird beak revealed by HKU-codeveloped laser imaging Informs early beak form, function, and development

A joint team of astronomers including a member of HKU’s Laboratory for Space Research, captured stellar winds in unprecedented detail

Member of HKU’s Laboratory for Space Research Co-discovers the first planet found around white dwarf star

Landmark HKU-led volume on past progress and new frontiers in the study of early birds and their close relative

Most close relatives of birds neared the potential for powered flight but few crossed its thresholds

“Breaking” news! A new idea on how Earth’s outer shell first broke into tectonic plates

Revisiting energy flow in photosynthetic plant cells

Quantum Material research connecting physicists in Hong Kong, Beijing and Shanghai Facilitates discovery of better materials that benefit our society

An unexpected heat shock to neurons: HKU scientists and collaborators uncovered a new mechanism for balancing protein stability during neuronal development

HKU marine ecologists reveal larvicidal oil for mosquito control threatens coastal marine life and pollutes sea environment

Metagenomics reveals distinct microbiotypes in the giant clams Tridacna maxima
HKU study unlocks the secret of corals’ tolerance to climate change: their diet

HKU marine biologist and international team unveil impacts of heatwave on reef fishes

HKU earth scientist redrew global map of land life, achieving a unique research quadruple by landing first/correspondence author papers in the frontline journals of four of the Burlington House's learned societies.

HKU scientists find high concentrations of toxic phenyltin compounds in local Chinese white dolphins and finless porpoises confirming their biomagnification through marine food chains

A team of international mangrove forest experts suggesting optimistic cause for global mangrove conservation

HKU marine ecologists and international team unveils the historical impacts of development on coral reef loss in the South China Sea, suggesting possible coral restoration in Hong Kong

HKU marine ecologist and international team identifies areas of top priority for deepsea monitoring and conservation through a survey of world’s leading deep-sea scientists

HKU scientists develop a deep learning approach to predict disease-associated mutations of the metal-binding sites

HKU astronomy research team unveils one origin of globular clusters around giant galaxies

What colour were fossil animals? HKU palaeontologists evaluate fossil colour reconstruction methods to propose new study framework

HKU earth scientists discovered century-scale deep-water circulation dynamics in the North Atlantic Ocean throughout the last 20,000 years

HKU biologists discover cell division requires a balanced level of non-coding RNA for chromosome stability

HKU chemists develop a new class of robust gold(III) complexes with promising device lifetimes and tunable emission colours for vacuum-deposited OLEDs

HKU study finds that ocean circulation in the North Atlantic is at its weakest since the past 1,500 years

HKU Chemists develop the first-in-class YEATS inhibitors that show promise for leukemia treatment

An HKU-led team of international plant scientists reveal how chloroplasts maintain energy efficiency

HKU paleontologists discover evolutions of tropical deep-water ecosystem and environment affected by high-latitude climate

International team discovers an inside-out nebula surrounds a ‘born-again’ star, shedding light on the late-stage evolution of the Sun

HKU Laboratory for Space Research involved in international collaboration facilitating the discovery of an isolated Millisecond Pulsar with FAST

HKU geologist’s discovery of early earth-like seafloor deposits on Mars could provide clues to life’s origins

HKU and Kyoto U reveal a new strategy to enhance the efficiency of cereal straw for biofuel production

The “Hong Kong population” of Chinese white dolphins re-defined: The latest HKU study clarifies how many dolphins there are in Hong Kong waters

Major breakthrough in knowledge of dinosaur appearance - HKU palaeontologist reconstructs feathered dinosaurs in the flesh with new technology