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Student Wellness Support

On-campus Resources (in counselling, financial assistance, personal enrichment, career advising, health service, and SEN support, etc.)

Studeng Group

CEDARS (Centre of Development and Resources for Students) is a comprehensive student service and resources centre, as well as a co-curricular learning hub at HKU. It offers support services, resources, and educational programmes for all current undergraduate and postgraduate students.


Whether you are looking for personal enrichment, counselling, support (financial, learning, housing, development, and well-being, etc.) or fun, please feel free to make good use of the resources offered to you by CEDARS.


The following are some commonly used resources provided by CEDARS:


CounsellingFinancial resourcesCareersSEN supportHousing


CEDARS Programmes/EventsStudent Host ProgrammeUniversity YMCA (HKU) ProgrammesSupport to Student GroupsExternal Learning Opportunities


Below are some more on-campus services offered by other units at HKU:                          
