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Strategic Moves, Quick Facts and Achievements

Emeritus Professors at the Faculty

Emeritus Professor is the honorary title conferred by the University, as a way to recognise the academic services, teaching and research of academic staff. Since the establishment of the Faculty, our academics have devoted their time and effort to achieve both teaching and research excellence. They commit to create impacts in their respective research fields, and to nurture next generations of scientists. 


List of Emeritus Professors of the Faculty:

Year of ConfermentName of ProfessorsProfiles
1950Walter BrownMA, BSc, FRSE, AMIEE (Mathematics)
1960John Edmund DriverMA, PhD, MSc, FRIC, JP (Chemistry)
1976Yung Chow WongOBE, BSc, PhD, DSc, JP (Mathematics)
1989Brian LoftsOBE, PhD, DSc, FIBiol, FZS, JP (Zoology)
1990Sai Cheung ChanBSc, MSc, PhD, DSc, CChem, FRCS (Chemistry)
1991Alan John EllisBSc, DPhil, DSc, FIMA (Mathematics)
1993David Alun GriffithsPhD, DSc, CBiol, FIBiol, FLS (Botany)
2003Brian Sydney MortonOBE, BSc, PhD, FLS, FZS, JP (Marine Ecology)
2005Daniel Kwong On ChanMSc, PhD, JP (Zoology)
2007Ronald Chun Chung KoBSc, MSc, PhD, CBiol, FIBiol (Zoology)
2013John Graham MalpasMA, MSc, PhD, DSc, PGeo (Earth Sciences)
2018Sun KwokBSc, MS, PhD (Physics/Space Science)
2020Wai Keung LiBSc, MA (York), PhD (W Ont), FIMS, FASA, MIS, (Hon) MHKSS
2020David DudgeonBSc (Newcastle), PhD (HKU)
2021Kwong Sang ChengBSc (CUHK); MA, MPhil, PhD (Columbia)
2021Jian WangBSc (Beijing), PhD (Pennsylvania)
2023Tony Wing Kam FungBSocSc (HK); PhD (HK); FIMS; FASA; FAAAS
2024Mee Len ChyeBSc (Malaya); PhD (Melbourne)
2024Min SunBSc (Peking University); PhD, MSc (UBC)
2024Anderson On Lam WongBSc & MPhil (HKU); PhD (University of Alberta)
2024Kam Chuen YuenBSc, MSc, PhD (U of Calgary)