Emeritus Professor is the honorary title conferred by the University, as a way to recognise the academic services, teaching and research of academic staff. Since the establishment of the Faculty, our academics have devoted their time and effort to achieve both teaching and research excellence. They commit to create impacts in their respective research fields, and to nurture next generations of scientists.
List of Emeritus Professors of the Faculty:
Year of Conferment | Name of Professors | Profiles |
1950 | Walter Brown | MA, BSc, FRSE, AMIEE (Mathematics) |
1960 | John Edmund Driver | MA, PhD, MSc, FRIC, JP (Chemistry) |
1976 | Yung Chow Wong | OBE, BSc, PhD, DSc, JP (Mathematics) |
1989 | Brian Lofts | OBE, PhD, DSc, FIBiol, FZS, JP (Zoology) |
1990 | Sai Cheung Chan | BSc, MSc, PhD, DSc, CChem, FRCS (Chemistry) |
1991 | Alan John Ellis | BSc, DPhil, DSc, FIMA (Mathematics) |
1993 | David Alun Griffiths | PhD, DSc, CBiol, FIBiol, FLS (Botany) |
2003 | Brian Sydney Morton | OBE, BSc, PhD, FLS, FZS, JP (Marine Ecology) |
2005 | Daniel Kwong On Chan | MSc, PhD, JP (Zoology) |
2007 | Ronald Chun Chung Ko | BSc, MSc, PhD, CBiol, FIBiol (Zoology) |
2013 | John Graham Malpas | MA, MSc, PhD, DSc, PGeo (Earth Sciences) |
2018 | Sun Kwok | BSc, MS, PhD (Physics/Space Science) |
2020 | Wai Keung Li | BSc, MA (York), PhD (W Ont), FIMS, FASA, MIS, (Hon) MHKSS |
2020 | David Dudgeon | BSc (Newcastle), PhD (HKU) |
2021 | Kwong Sang Cheng | BSc (CUHK); MA, MPhil, PhD (Columbia) |
2021 | Jian Wang | BSc (Beijing), PhD (Pennsylvania) |
2023 | Tony Wing Kam Fung | BSocSc (HK); PhD (HK); FIMS; FASA; FAAAS |
2024 | Mee Len Chye | BSc (Malaya); PhD (Melbourne) |
2024 | Min Sun | BSc (Peking University); PhD, MSc (UBC) |
2024 | Anderson On Lam Wong | BSc & MPhil (HKU); PhD (University of Alberta) |
2024 | Kam Chuen Yuen | BSc, MSc, PhD (U of Calgary) |