Faculty of Science Oak Anniversary Fund
Benefiting mankind with innovation research and scientific training
We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to all our donors, who generously support the sustainable development of the Faculty through the Grow Our Oak Campaign.
Professor CHOW, Billy Kwok Chong
You Are Invited
Giving is a representation of belief. You give selflessly for a future you dream about, for a vision you wish to achieve. It may not be realised right away, but you believe that what you give out will make a change. The impact is not just on the direct recipients of your generosity, but on everyone in their present and future networks.
To me, I believe in the momentum of “pay it forward”. Your kindness will make a little spark, which will indeed provoke a chain of good deeds. So do not underestimate your gift and make a change today. Regardless you are about to support an iconic project or a young teenager, the world is no longer the same.
Hesitate no more – please give, and we create impacts together.
Billy K C Chow
Chairperson of Oak Anniversary Organising Committee
Professor, Chair of Endocrinology, School of Biological Sciences
About The Grow Our Oak Campaign
Oak is the chosen gift for 80th Anniversary; and your gift definitely is precious to grow and nurture our Oak tree in following areas – special facilities at the new science building, new laboratories at Swire Institute of Marine Science, innovative research, endowed professorship and student enrichment. We are ambitious to scale new heights ahead and we need HK$10 million plus 3 Endowed Professorships to fund our initiatives.
Oak Leaf Donor
HK$10,000 or above
(entitled to inscribe on a leaf for each donation of HK$10,000)
Oak Acorn Donor
HK$ 50,000 or above
(entitled to inscribe on an acorn)
Oak Flower Donor
HK$ 200,000 or above
(entitled to inscribe on an oak flower)
Oak Foundation Donor
HK$ 1,000,000 or above (entitled to inscribe on the foundation)
*About Faculty of Science Patron Circle:
- Donors who contribute HK$ 1 million or above to the Faculty will be invited to the Circle
- Entitled to name scholarships or research fund
- Membership is lifetime and Patrons are regularly invited to Faculty-wide activities
- Eligible to join HKU Foundation as ‘Honorary Director’ and enjoy a range of membership privileges at University level, terms of membership are outlines on the HKU Foundation website and are subject to change over time
Funding Initiatives
Special Facilities at New Science Building and Expansion of SWIMS
Creating new space in campus is no doubt a top issue on our priority list. We hope...
Innovative Research
The Faculty has some top-notch researchers at the forefront of...
Student Enrichment and Scholarship
By 2022 all our students will have the opportunity to choose from a rich range...
Make a Gift
Professor Matthew R Evans