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Taught Postgraduate Programme

Why HKU Science


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in Asia (2024)


in the world (2025)


World University Rankings


in Asia (2024)


in the world (2025)



in Interdisciplinary Science Rankings (2025)


In 2023-24


TPg programmes


Professoriate staff


Postgraduate students 






The Faculty of Science boasts a long history of excellence in basic research and a team of outstanding scholars from around the world with a wide range of research expertise. We have about 150 professorial staff, 700 postgraduate students and comparable numbers of postdoctoral researchers and research staff.

In recent years, the Faculty has also placed increasing emphasis on and achieved remarkable progress in applied and strategic areas of research. The goal of the Faculty is to train the next generation of science and scientifically aware graduates and through its teaching and research to add significantly to scientific knowledge and practice.

The Faculty brings together the School of Biological Sciences and five Departments, namely, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Mathematics, Physics, and Statistics and Actuarial Sciences. Five Faculty members are members of Chinese Academy of Sciences and many are recipients of national and international awards and fellowships.


The Faculty has a long history in offering Taught Postgraduate (TPg) programmes. Our first TPg programme, Master of Statistics, was first offered in 1987. Over the past decades, we have nurtured many professionals in different industries and therefore largely contributed to development of these industries. Our TPg programmes are designed to be disciplinary, professional and practical in their respective fields. Our teachers are renowned professors, experienced local practitioners and subject experts from all over the world, to ensure that students would benefit from gaining a wide range of knowledge from teachers of different background.

A comprehensive range of TPg programmes are now offered by our six departments/ school:


Master of Science in Integrative Marine Ecology and Conservation COURSE DETAIL