Faculty Management Team
Professor ZHOU, Qiang
Faculty of Science
Chair Professor, School of Biological Sciences
B.Sc. 1986 (University of Science and Technology of China); Ph.D. 1992 (UCLA)
Detail PortfolioAssociate Deans
Professor BONEBRAKE, Timothy Carlton
Teaching and Learning
Professor, School of Biological Sciences
BSc (University of California, Berkeley), PhD (Stanford University)
Detail PortfolioProfessor LAM, Kwok Fai
Student Affairs
Associate Head (Teaching and Learning) & Associate Professor, School of Computing and Data Science (Statistics and Actuarial Science)
BA (Saint Thomas); MA (New Brunswick); PhD (HKU)
Detail PortfolioProfessor LI, Xuechen
Research and Graduate Studies
Morningside Professorship in Chemical Biology & Professor, Department of Chemistry
B.Sc. (Nankai;); M.Sc. (Alberta); Ph.D. 2003-2006 (Harvard University)
Detail PortfolioAssistant Deans
Professor CHAN, Chi Bun
Graduate Studies
Associate Professor, School of Biological Sciences
Detail PortfolioDr. HAU, Billy Chi Hang
Taught Postgraduate Programmes
Principal Lecturer, School of Biological Sciences
BSc; MSc; PhD(HKU)
Detail PortfolioProfessor LUI, Rachel Ka Wai
Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor of Teaching), Faculty of Science
Detail PortfolioProfessor VENGATESEN, Thiyagarajan (Rajan)
Experiential Learning
Professor, School of Biological Sciences
BSc, MSc, PhD (Madras)
Detail PortfolioOthers
Professor CHEUNG, Wing Sum
Director of Undergraduate Admissions
Professor, Department of Mathematics
BSc First Class Honors, MPhil (CUHK); AM, PhD (Harvard)
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