Distinguished Alumni Award 2019
- Date & Time
- April 1 - May 31, 2019 (Open for Nominations)
Walking through 80 years, HKU Science nurtures generations of alumni, who devote their time and effort for the betterment of society. We believe 80th Oak Anniversary is an opportune time for us to reconnect with our alumni and feature their achievements. In this auspicious occasion, Distinguished Alumni Award is launched to highlight the outstanding achievements of our alumni.
When talking about achievements, there is no absolute definition. This Award aims to address achievements in different fields, and include alumni from different generations. We target to select up to 15 Distinguished Alumni; both established figures and rising star in society could be considered and selected. It is hoped that there would be succession of HKU Science spirit among generations.
NominationSelection Panel and Selection CriteriaAward Announcement and PresentationPrevious Selected Distinguished Alumni in 2009
A valid nomination shall include a completed nomination form, dually signed by nominee and nominator*, with the provision of nominator’s biography and other supplementary documents if necessary.
Nomination form can be downloaded HERE.
All nomination forms must be submitted to Faculty of Science on or before May 31, 2019 (Friday). If the form is submitted by post, postmark must not be later than May 31, 2019 (Friday). Completed form will be submitted to Selection Panel for consideration.
* For self-nomination, nominee needs to sign on both columns.
Eligibility of Nominee
- The nominee must obtain a degree conferred by Faculty of Science, or degree(s) conferred by any Science departments in early years.
- Each nominee can either be proposed by a nominator or by self-nomination.
- Nominee shall not be previous awarded Distinguished Alumni or a member of the Selection Panel.
Eligibility of Nominator
- A nominator must be
- An alumnus or an alumna of HKU Science; or
- A current/ former staff member of HKU Science
Nomination Form can be submitted via following means:
- Email: scialum@hku.hk
- Postal Address: Faculty of Science Office, G/F, Chong Yuet Ming Physics Building, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong
- Fax: (852) 2858 4620
We are honoured to have members of HKU Science Oak Anniversary Steering Committee to be the Selection Panel. The Selection Panel will consider the suitability of the nomination based on one or more of the following criteria:
- Role in science education and/or scientific research (e.g. demonstrating teaching excellence, research breakthrough or promoting science literacy, etc.)
- Business/ professional achievements in a field of interest or scholastic achievements, with outstanding personal attributes (e.g. enjoying a leading position in a sector or contributing to a particular industry, etc.)
- Services and contributions to HKU Science and the University (e.g. proactive in advancing the University/ Faculty development and philanthropy, or augmenting learning opportunities for students, etc.)
- Community services and contributions to society and the world (e.g. demonstrating care and support to those underprivileged, or committed to raising awareness to social and environmental issues, etc.)
Evaluation will be made based on the submitted information on the nomination form. Information may also be verified if necessary. Failure to provide complete and accurate information may result in disqualification of the nominee.
All information in respect of the nominations will be kept confidential and for internal use of Selection Panel only.
Up to 15 Distinguished Alumni, including both established figures and rising stars in society, will be selected. The selection results will be publicly announced in September 2019.
The announced result will be final and not subject to appeal.
All award recipients will be invited to the Faculty of Science Oak Anniversary Gala Dinner on November 17, 2019 (Sunday) for award presentation.
43 Distinguished Alumni were selected on the occasion of Faculty's Platinum Jubilee in 2009. We would like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to them and sincerely hope that the selection of Distinguished Alumni in this Oak Anniversary would be a succession of HKU Science spirit - to strive for excellence and create impact by science knowledge and skills.
Distinguished Science Alumni selected in 70th Anniversary | |
Professor CHAN Kwong-on Daniel, JP 陳鑛安教授 Dr CHAN LAM Lai-bing Alison 陳林麗冰博士 Mr CHAN Wing-luk 陳永陸先生 Professor CHE Chi-ming 支志明教授 Professor CHENG Kai-ming, SBS 程介明教授 Professor CHENG Yiu-chung Patrick 鄭耀宗教授 Dr CHEUNG Nim-kwan 張念坤博士 Mr CHU Yu-lun Stanley 朱裕倫先生 Dr CHUNG Shui-ming Timpson, GBS, JP 鍾瑞明先生 Dr CHUNG Wai-ling Margaret 鍾惠玲博士 Dr FAN HSU Lai-tai Rita, GBM, GBS, JP 范徐麗泰博士 Dr Stanley HO Hung-sun, GBS 何鴻燊博士 Mr HO Suen-wai Francis, JP 何宣威先生 Professor HO Ting-sum John 何庭森教授 Professor HO Wing-huen Frederick, SBS, OBE 何永煊教授 Dr HUANG Hsing-tsung ( H T Huang) 黃興宗博士 Professor HUANG Li-sung Rayson 黃麗松教授 Dr HUI Wai-haan 許慧嫻博士 Mr KWONG Ki-chi, GBS, JP 鄺其志先生 Mr LAM Chiu-ying, JP 林超英先生 Mr LAM Ko-yin Colin 林高演先生 | Professor LAU Ka-ming William 劉家銘教授 Mrs LAW FAN Chiu-fun Fanny, GBS, JP 羅范椒芬女士 Dr LEUNG Wing-tai 梁永泰博士 Dr LIAO Sau-tung Sarah, GBS, MBE, JP 廖秀冬博士 Dr LUI Tat-yin Anthony 呂達賢博士 Professor Clifford MATTHEWS Professor Malcom PEAKER 裴克爾教授 Professor POON Chung-kwong, GBS, DSc, JP 潘宗光教授 Mr POON Sun-cheong Patrick 潘燊昌先生 Dr POON Tin-yau Peter 潘天佑博士 Dr SO Shu-fai Ambrose 蘇樹輝博士 The Hon SUEN Ming-yeung Michael, GBS, JP 孫明揚先生 Professor SUN Samuel Sai-ming 辛世文教授 Mr TAM Chung-ding, MBE, JP 譚宗定先生 Professor TAM Sheung-wai, GBS, JP 譚尚渭教授 Dr TANG Shuk-ming Winnie, JP 鄧淑明博士 Dr Carrie WILLIS, MBE, JP, SBS 邱霜梅博士 Dr WONG Chi-shing 黃志成博士 Mr WONG Kai-man, BBS, JP 黃啟民先生 Professor YAM Wing-wah Vivian 任詠華教授 The Hon Mr Justice YAM Yee-kwan David 任懿君法官 Professor YOUNG Chien-ming Enoch, BBS 楊健明教授 |