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Young Scientist Scheme (YSS)

International Exchange, Visiting or Summer Study

YSS participants are guaranteed with ONE chance to study overseas under exchange, visiting or summer study programmes. They are given higher priorities to study at top universities*, examples are as follows:


exchange partners

* List of universities may be subject to change


North America

  • University of California
  • University of Chicago
  • Columbia University
  • Johns Hopkins University
  • Stanford University
  • Yale University


  • University of Cambridge
  • Imperial College London
  • King's College London
  • University of Oxford


Listen to Our Students


NG, John Joson Quimpo 

  • Joined the Yale Visiting International Student Program (Y-VISP) in 2015-16;
  • Joined the Pembroke-King’s Programme 2016, spending two months at  University of Cambridge in UK after his studies at Yale 


“Taking a gap year to study at Yale was one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life. I am now more certain than ever of pursuing graduate studies in the States.” 


Joson “graduating” from Y-VSIP

Joson “graduating” from Y-VSIP

Joson organised the Barrio Fiesta at Yale

Joson organised the Barrio Fiesta at Yale

Lily LI

LI, Lily

  • BSc alumna (Double major in Statistics & Finance)
  • Visiting student at Yale University in 2019-20

“I was very fortunate to join the full-year Yale Visiting International Student Programme via the Young Scientist Scheme. 

Yale, as a world-class institution, provided numerous academic and non-academic opportunities and challenges. My learning experience at HKU and of the constant support from the Faculty equipped me and encouraged me to continuously push myself outside my comfort zone. I took non-science courses out of pure interest, talked with people from diverse cultural backgrounds, and participated in sports and events that I never thought about joining before.

Every new decision I made prompted me to understand myself deeper, and every piece of new information I learnt enabled me to build my future better.”