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From Molecular to Monumental: A Commitment to Shaping Future Young Minds through Education

Ronald Tse Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia 2024 Founder of AfterSchool BSc alumnus (major in Chemistry and minor in Mathematics) The journey of life is an ever-evolving tapestry where the pursuit of knowledge and the spirit of innovation intertwine to create a profound impact. The story of Ronald TSE, an alumnus of Chemistry at HKU Science, exemplifies this intricate interplay. With a heart dedicated to education and a mind honed by scientific enquiry, Ronald's journey from the halls of academia to the prestigious Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia list of 2024 is a testament to the transformative power of education. His narrative extends beyond personal achievement to serve as an inspiration for future generations. It highlights the importance of using one's talents to foster societal growth and uplift those in need. His journey is a vivid reminder that when passion meets purpose, the results can be truly monumental. The Scientific Spark Igniting a Journey of Ambition Ronald's academic journey at HKU began with a passion for science ignited during his secondary school years. ‘I found myself increasingly drawn to understanding the fundamental truths of our universe at the molecular level,’ he recalls. This curiosity led him to major in Chemistry and minor in Mathematics at HKU, a strategic decision that allowed him to approach complex problems with analytical rigour and creative thinking. More than just subject knowledge, the supportive ecosystem HKU Science, which encourages students to think beyond traditional career paths, equipped Ronald with a mindset of enquiry and resilience. The interdisciplinary approach of studies helped him see connections between disparate ideas, nurturing an innovative spirit that would later become the cornerstone of his entrepreneurial endeavours. ‘The rigorous scientific training I received honed my analytical skills and instilled in me a data-driven approach to problem-solving. This scientific mindset has been crucial in developing AfterSchool's innovative educational model,’ Ronald notes.   The rise of the gig economy in education, bringing diverse expertise to students, and the increasingly borderless nature of education, enabling access to global learning resources, are exciting trends. I believe we're at a juncture where we can truly reimagine education to be more effective, accessible, and aligned with the needs of the 21st century   The Genesis of AfterSchool From Determination and Innovation The inception of AfterSchool was sparked by an entrepreneurship programme at HKU, resonating perfectly with Ronald's vision to revolutionise the education sector with an emphasis on addressing real-world problems innovatively. However, the journey from idea to reality was peppered with challenges. With a science background and limited initial capital, Ronald navigated the complex realms of business.  ‘The multidisciplinary nature of HKU's curriculum proved invaluable. The University's flexibility allowed me to take introductory courses from different Faculties, providing me with foundational knowledge in business, marketing, and finance,’ Ronald shared. He leveraged his experience as a research assistant and the insights gained from supportive professors to enhance his understanding of the education sector and bridge traditional educational methods with cutting-edge technology. Despite the hurdles, Ronald's determination transformed challenges into opportunities, birthing AfterSchool, a pioneer in the EdTech landscape. The Vision of AfterSchool Beyond the Classroom The unique business model of AfterSchool is a testament to Ronald's innovative spirit and determination to create a more transparent and efficient educational marketplace. Recognising a shift in the education landscape and the need for a comprehensive platform connecting educators with learners, Ronald envisioned AfterSchool as the 'HKTVmall for education' in Hong Kong. This vision translated into a platform where students and parents could effortlessly search, compare, and select courses or tutors based on genuine feedback. He aimed to bridge a critical gap in the market - the need for a reliable, all-encompassing resource that simplifies the process of finding suitable educational support. ‘I’ve come to understand that personalisation is key, with one-size-fits-all approaches becoming obsolete,’ he reflected.   At the core of AfterSchool's approach is a commitment to democratising education. By offering a wide array of courses at accessible prices, the platform aims to break down barriers to quality education. This ethos extends to their social contribution, working with charitable organisations and educational institutions to offer free online tutoring services to underprivileged students. With an eye on the future, Ronald harbours grand designs for AfterSchool. His strategic roadmap includes broadening the spectrum of course offerings, elevating user experience, harnessing the power of AI and data analytics, upholding stringent quality assurance, and nurturing a robust community of learners and educators. Ronald's odyssey from an HKU student to a triumphant entrepreneur illustrates the transformative essence of education. He offers sage counsel to those aspiring to follow in his footsteps: ‘Maximise your university experience, identify and focus on solving real problems, and never be afraid of failure.’ Just as in the grand tapestry of innovation, his molecular seeds of determination and commitment have bloomed into monumental dreams, painting the future's splendid colours. Click here to learn more about Afterschool.   


Photo Credit: Angelica Crottini

Who Gets the Lion’s Share? HKU Ecologists Highlight Disparities in Global Biodiversity Conservation Funding

The extensive loss of biodiversity represents one of the major crises of our time, threatening not only entire ecosystems but also our current and future livelihoods. As scientists realise the magnitude and scale of ongoing extinctions, it is vital to ascertain the resources available for conservation and whether funds are being effectively distributed to protect species most in need. A team of researchers from the School of Biological Sciences, The University of Hong Kong (HKU), addressed these questions in a recent paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), USA, by compiling information on nearly 15,000 funded projects focused on species conservation. Professor Benoit GUÉNARD, the lead author of the study, noted that, ‘Our first conclusion is that funding for species conservation research remains extremely limited with only US$ 1.93 billion allocated over 25 years in the projects we assessed.’ The international conservation funding from 37 governments and NGOs represented a mere 0.3% and 0.01% of the annual budget of the NASA or US military, respectively. This stark comparison underscores the urgent need to dramatically increase such funding to slow global biodiversity loss. The authors also examined the allocation of this funding to specific species or groups of organisms based on their conservation needs as assessed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List, often called the ‘barometer of life’. Professor Guénard explains, ‘Based on previous literature-based studies, we expected biases towards vertebrates and, whilst this was true, we found the situation much worse than previously estimated. Even within vertebrates, many of the most threatened groups, like amphibians, were largely underfunded with declining funding trends over time.’ Another striking example can be found in reptiles, particularly lizards and snakes, where over a thousand species have been identified as threatened, yet 87% of the funding towards reptile conservation is directed towards the seven species of marine turtles. Professor Guénard states, ‘This highlights an important mismatch between scientific assessment of conservation and allocation of funding by conservation stakeholders, which appears to rely on the “charisma” of species. This leads to nearly a third of the funding directed to non-threatened species while almost 94% of threatened species have not received any support.’ Some groups, like plants or insects, received a mere 6% each of the funding despite their vast diversity and the number of threatened species they include, while other major groups, such as fungi or algae, received virtually no funding. Professor Alice HUGHES, a co-author of the study, echoed, ‘Our traditional view of what is threatened often does not align with species genuinely at threat, leaving many smaller, or “less charismatic” species neglected. We urgently need to reframe this perspective and better allocate funding across taxa if we want any hope of redressing widespread population declines and the continued loss of biodiversity.’ Based on these findings, the researchers are calling for a new approach to conservation funding. Whilst species conservation is in dire need of additional funding, a more rigorous approach to selecting projects and species to receive those limited funds is urgently needed. Professor Guénard emphasises, ‘Conservation agencies and NGOs need to modify their philosophy towards conservation to protect all species, and not just a subset based on subjective criteria of charisma or beauty.’ In the future, the research team hopes their database can be expanded so information on funding allocation is more transparent and easily accessible. This would help evaluate existing gaps, plan effective future conservation efforts at a global scale, and reduce redundancy in funding for species that already receive the lion's share of support. Variation over time of the percentage of funded single-species conservation projects (A) and funds received per taxonomic group (B) for the period 1992-2017. The total number of funded projects A) and the total amount of funds received in millions of U.S. $ B) for each taxonomic group is presented on the right y-axis. For each 5-year period, the number of projects and of funding agencies (in parentheses) A) and the total funding amount B) are presented on top of the chart. Image adapted from respective paper.  


Exploring the Frontiers of Science: A Student’s Journey to an International Influenza Conference

Peter WONG BSc student (major in Biochemistry) With the generous support of the Faculty of Science under the Young Scientist Scheme (YSS), I recently had the privilege of attending the 12th Options for the Control of Influenza, an international conference dedicated to influenza and other respiratory viruses, held in Brisbane, Australia. This eye-opening experience provided an invaluable opportunity for me to engage with leading experts in the field and delve deeper into cutting-edge research on respiratory virology.   I am currently a final-year Bachelor of Science student majoring in Biochemistry at HKU, conducting my capstone project under the guidance of Professors Michael Chan and Kenrie Hui from the School of Public Health. My project focuses on investigating the pathogenesis of infection and virus-host interactions. Specifically, we utilize primary respiratory organoid cultures as a physiologically relevant alternative to human respiratory tissue explant for studying viral infections. Our goal is to enhance the risk assessment workflow with Bulk RNAseq transcriptomics analysis to better understand and compare the pathogenesis of emerging respiratory viruses, such as SARS-CoV-2. Participating in this conference broadened my perspective on respiratory virus research. The event featured seminars and presentations on a range of topics, including zoonotic influenza virus spillover, vaccine development, and antiviral efficacy. Beyond the main conference, I also attended the Mini-School of Influenza, a lecture-based programme covering foundational concepts in respiratory virology, public health, epidemiology, surveillance, and research-driven vaccine development. These sessions complemented my studies at HKU and provided an advanced extension of the knowledge I have gained.   A highlight of the conference was the chance to exchange ideas with researchers from around the world. I had the pleasure of meeting Associate Professor Claire Smith from University College London’s Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health, whose research interests and focuses on using primary human epithelial respiratory virus infection models, including respiratory syncytial virus, influenza virus, and coronavirus. In particular, her group has been exploring the incorporation of neutrophils into these models to study their responses during viral infection. This interesting expansion of the in vitro models provides a valuable approach to studying immune cell response and their contribution to disease progression.    The experience was not limited to academic pursuits. While in Brisbane, I explored the city’s vibrant culture and unique wildlife. A visit to the Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary allowed me to experience the unique Australian wildlife and biodiversity firsthand. Additionally, I enjoyed a memorable breakfast at the historic Pancake Manor, housed in St Luke’s Church of England, a building dating back to 1904. These moments added depth to my trip, offering a balance of scientific enrichment and cultural discovery.   Reflecting on this experience, I am deeply grateful to the Faculty of Science for supporting my participation at the 12th edition of Options for the Control of Influenza. Attending the conference not only expanded my understanding of current trends and challenges in respiratory virology but also confirmed my passion for this field. It has inspired me to pursue PhD studies focused on virus-host interactions, marking a significant milestone in my academic journey. 


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From Molecular to Monumental: A Commitment to Shaping Future Young Minds through Education

Ronald Tse Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia 2024 Founder of AfterSchool BSc alumnus (major in Chemistry and minor in Mathematics) The journey of life is an ever-evolving tapestry where the pursuit of knowledge and the spirit of innovation intertwine to create a profound impact. The story of Ronald TSE, an alumnus of Chemistry at HKU Science, exemplifies this intricate interplay. With a heart dedicated to education and a mind honed by scientific enquiry, Ronald's journey from the halls of academia to the prestigious Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia list of 2024 is a testament to the transformative power of education. His narrative extends beyond personal achievement to serve as an inspiration for future generations. It highlights the importance of using one's talents to foster societal growth and uplift those in need. His journey is a vivid reminder that when passion meets purpose, the results can be truly monumental. The Scientific Spark Igniting a Journey of Ambition Ronald's academic journey at HKU began with a passion for science ignited during his secondary school years. ‘I found myself increasingly drawn to understanding the fundamental truths of our universe at the molecular level,’ he recalls. This curiosity led him to major in Chemistry and minor in Mathematics at HKU, a strategic decision that allowed him to approach complex problems with analytical rigour and creative thinking. More than just subject knowledge, the supportive ecosystem HKU Science, which encourages students to think beyond traditional career paths, equipped Ronald with a mindset of enquiry and resilience. The interdisciplinary approach of studies helped him see connections between disparate ideas, nurturing an innovative spirit that would later become the cornerstone of his entrepreneurial endeavours. ‘The rigorous scientific training I received honed my analytical skills and instilled in me a data-driven approach to problem-solving. This scientific mindset has been crucial in developing AfterSchool's innovative educational model,’ Ronald notes.   The rise of the gig economy in education, bringing diverse expertise to students, and the increasingly borderless nature of education, enabling access to global learning resources, are exciting trends. I believe we're at a juncture where we can truly reimagine education to be more effective, accessible, and aligned with the needs of the 21st century   The Genesis of AfterSchool From Determination and Innovation The inception of AfterSchool was sparked by an entrepreneurship programme at HKU, resonating perfectly with Ronald's vision to revolutionise the education sector with an emphasis on addressing real-world problems innovatively. However, the journey from idea to reality was peppered with challenges. With a science background and limited initial capital, Ronald navigated the complex realms of business.  ‘The multidisciplinary nature of HKU's curriculum proved invaluable. The University's flexibility allowed me to take introductory courses from different Faculties, providing me with foundational knowledge in business, marketing, and finance,’ Ronald shared. He leveraged his experience as a research assistant and the insights gained from supportive professors to enhance his understanding of the education sector and bridge traditional educational methods with cutting-edge technology. Despite the hurdles, Ronald's determination transformed challenges into opportunities, birthing AfterSchool, a pioneer in the EdTech landscape. The Vision of AfterSchool Beyond the Classroom The unique business model of AfterSchool is a testament to Ronald's innovative spirit and determination to create a more transparent and efficient educational marketplace. Recognising a shift in the education landscape and the need for a comprehensive platform connecting educators with learners, Ronald envisioned AfterSchool as the 'HKTVmall for education' in Hong Kong. This vision translated into a platform where students and parents could effortlessly search, compare, and select courses or tutors based on genuine feedback. He aimed to bridge a critical gap in the market - the need for a reliable, all-encompassing resource that simplifies the process of finding suitable educational support. ‘I’ve come to understand that personalisation is key, with one-size-fits-all approaches becoming obsolete,’ he reflected.   At the core of AfterSchool's approach is a commitment to democratising education. By offering a wide array of courses at accessible prices, the platform aims to break down barriers to quality education. This ethos extends to their social contribution, working with charitable organisations and educational institutions to offer free online tutoring services to underprivileged students. With an eye on the future, Ronald harbours grand designs for AfterSchool. His strategic roadmap includes broadening the spectrum of course offerings, elevating user experience, harnessing the power of AI and data analytics, upholding stringent quality assurance, and nurturing a robust community of learners and educators. Ronald's odyssey from an HKU student to a triumphant entrepreneur illustrates the transformative essence of education. He offers sage counsel to those aspiring to follow in his footsteps: ‘Maximise your university experience, identify and focus on solving real problems, and never be afraid of failure.’ Just as in the grand tapestry of innovation, his molecular seeds of determination and commitment have bloomed into monumental dreams, painting the future's splendid colours. Click here to learn more about Afterschool.   


Photo Credit: Angelica Crottini

Who Gets the Lion’s Share? HKU Ecologists Highlight Disparities in Global Biodiversity Conservation Funding

The extensive loss of biodiversity represents one of the major crises of our time, threatening not only entire ecosystems but also our current and future livelihoods. As scientists realise the magnitude and scale of ongoing extinctions, it is vital to ascertain the resources available for conservation and whether funds are being effectively distributed to protect species most in need. A team of researchers from the School of Biological Sciences, The University of Hong Kong (HKU), addressed these questions in a recent paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), USA, by compiling information on nearly 15,000 funded projects focused on species conservation. Professor Benoit GUÉNARD, the lead author of the study, noted that, ‘Our first conclusion is that funding for species conservation research remains extremely limited with only US$ 1.93 billion allocated over 25 years in the projects we assessed.’ The international conservation funding from 37 governments and NGOs represented a mere 0.3% and 0.01% of the annual budget of the NASA or US military, respectively. This stark comparison underscores the urgent need to dramatically increase such funding to slow global biodiversity loss. The authors also examined the allocation of this funding to specific species or groups of organisms based on their conservation needs as assessed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List, often called the ‘barometer of life’. Professor Guénard explains, ‘Based on previous literature-based studies, we expected biases towards vertebrates and, whilst this was true, we found the situation much worse than previously estimated. Even within vertebrates, many of the most threatened groups, like amphibians, were largely underfunded with declining funding trends over time.’ Another striking example can be found in reptiles, particularly lizards and snakes, where over a thousand species have been identified as threatened, yet 87% of the funding towards reptile conservation is directed towards the seven species of marine turtles. Professor Guénard states, ‘This highlights an important mismatch between scientific assessment of conservation and allocation of funding by conservation stakeholders, which appears to rely on the “charisma” of species. This leads to nearly a third of the funding directed to non-threatened species while almost 94% of threatened species have not received any support.’ Some groups, like plants or insects, received a mere 6% each of the funding despite their vast diversity and the number of threatened species they include, while other major groups, such as fungi or algae, received virtually no funding. Professor Alice HUGHES, a co-author of the study, echoed, ‘Our traditional view of what is threatened often does not align with species genuinely at threat, leaving many smaller, or “less charismatic” species neglected. We urgently need to reframe this perspective and better allocate funding across taxa if we want any hope of redressing widespread population declines and the continued loss of biodiversity.’ Based on these findings, the researchers are calling for a new approach to conservation funding. Whilst species conservation is in dire need of additional funding, a more rigorous approach to selecting projects and species to receive those limited funds is urgently needed. Professor Guénard emphasises, ‘Conservation agencies and NGOs need to modify their philosophy towards conservation to protect all species, and not just a subset based on subjective criteria of charisma or beauty.’ In the future, the research team hopes their database can be expanded so information on funding allocation is more transparent and easily accessible. This would help evaluate existing gaps, plan effective future conservation efforts at a global scale, and reduce redundancy in funding for species that already receive the lion's share of support. Variation over time of the percentage of funded single-species conservation projects (A) and funds received per taxonomic group (B) for the period 1992-2017. The total number of funded projects A) and the total amount of funds received in millions of U.S. $ B) for each taxonomic group is presented on the right y-axis. For each 5-year period, the number of projects and of funding agencies (in parentheses) A) and the total funding amount B) are presented on top of the chart. Image adapted from respective paper.  


Exploring the Frontiers of Science: A Student’s Journey to an International Influenza Conference

Peter WONG BSc student (major in Biochemistry) With the generous support of the Faculty of Science under the Young Scientist Scheme (YSS), I recently had the privilege of attending the 12th Options for the Control of Influenza, an international conference dedicated to influenza and other respiratory viruses, held in Brisbane, Australia. This eye-opening experience provided an invaluable opportunity for me to engage with leading experts in the field and delve deeper into cutting-edge research on respiratory virology.   I am currently a final-year Bachelor of Science student majoring in Biochemistry at HKU, conducting my capstone project under the guidance of Professors Michael Chan and Kenrie Hui from the School of Public Health. My project focuses on investigating the pathogenesis of infection and virus-host interactions. Specifically, we utilize primary respiratory organoid cultures as a physiologically relevant alternative to human respiratory tissue explant for studying viral infections. Our goal is to enhance the risk assessment workflow with Bulk RNAseq transcriptomics analysis to better understand and compare the pathogenesis of emerging respiratory viruses, such as SARS-CoV-2. Participating in this conference broadened my perspective on respiratory virus research. The event featured seminars and presentations on a range of topics, including zoonotic influenza virus spillover, vaccine development, and antiviral efficacy. Beyond the main conference, I also attended the Mini-School of Influenza, a lecture-based programme covering foundational concepts in respiratory virology, public health, epidemiology, surveillance, and research-driven vaccine development. These sessions complemented my studies at HKU and provided an advanced extension of the knowledge I have gained.   A highlight of the conference was the chance to exchange ideas with researchers from around the world. I had the pleasure of meeting Associate Professor Claire Smith from University College London’s Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health, whose research interests and focuses on using primary human epithelial respiratory virus infection models, including respiratory syncytial virus, influenza virus, and coronavirus. In particular, her group has been exploring the incorporation of neutrophils into these models to study their responses during viral infection. This interesting expansion of the in vitro models provides a valuable approach to studying immune cell response and their contribution to disease progression.    The experience was not limited to academic pursuits. While in Brisbane, I explored the city’s vibrant culture and unique wildlife. A visit to the Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary allowed me to experience the unique Australian wildlife and biodiversity firsthand. Additionally, I enjoyed a memorable breakfast at the historic Pancake Manor, housed in St Luke’s Church of England, a building dating back to 1904. These moments added depth to my trip, offering a balance of scientific enrichment and cultural discovery.   Reflecting on this experience, I am deeply grateful to the Faculty of Science for supporting my participation at the 12th edition of Options for the Control of Influenza. Attending the conference not only expanded my understanding of current trends and challenges in respiratory virology but also confirmed my passion for this field. It has inspired me to pursue PhD studies focused on virus-host interactions, marking a significant milestone in my academic journey. 


Professor Vivian W W YAM Honoured with the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry 2025 Award


Mok Sau-King Professorship Bestowed Upon Professor Guochun Zhao

The Faculty of Science is proud to announce that Professor Guochun Zhao from the Department of Earth Sciences has been appointed as the Mok Sau-King Professor, one of the most significant awards bestowed upon eminent academics within the University to support their academic and research activities.  Professor Zhao is an internationally recognised geologist who specialises in early earth sciences. His main research fields include metamorphic petrology, Precambrian geology, and the study of supercontinents. His remarkable contributions to the field are evidenced by the publication of over 450 scientific papers, which have garnered more than 73,000 citations. His extensive research and ground-breaking discoveries have earned him numerous prestigious accolades and honours. In 2019, Professor Zhao was elected as the Chinese Academy of Sciences academician. In 2021, he became a fellow of the World Academy of Sciences for the Advancement of Science in Developing Countries, and in 2023, he was inducted as a member of the Hong Kong Academy of Sciences. According to the 2024 Best Scientists Rankings by, Professor Zhao is ranked 8th in the world and 1st in China in earth sciences. His other outstanding achievements in geosciences include the State Natural Science Award (Second Class; First Awardee; 2014), the Fellow of the Geological Society of America (2014), the Highly Cited Researcher Award of Clarivate Analytics (2014-2023), the Outstanding Researcher Award of The University of Hong Kong (2016), the 29th Khwarizmi International Award (First Class; 2016), and the TWAS Prize in Earth, Astronomy, Space Sciences from The World Academy of Science (2018) and the Distinguished Research Achievement Award of HKU (2021). Professor Zhao obtained his BSc and MSc degrees from Changchun University of Earth Sciences (now merged into Jilin University) in 1985 and 1988, respectively, and his PhD from Curtin University, Australia, in 2000. He is currently a Chair Professor in the Department of Earth Sciences at The University of Hong Kong and a Changjiang Scholar Professor (short-term) in the Department of Geology at Northwest University (Xi’an). He also serves as the director of the NWU-HKU Joint Center for Earth and Planetary Sciences. As a distinguished academic, Professor Zhao's contributions have significantly impacted the field of earth sciences, and his appointment as the Mok Sau-King Professor is a testament to his exceptional achievements and dedication to advancing scientific knowledge.


Professor Hongjie Dai Honoured as Sapientia Eminence Professor

On January 23, 2025, a dedication ceremony was held to commemorate the establishment of the Sapientia Eminence Professorship. The event was graced by distinguished guests, including Mr Vitor Cheung, Director of Moral Properties Limited; Professor Xiang Zhang, President & Vice-Chancellor; Professor Qiang Zhou, Dean of Science; and Professor Dai Hongjie, the Sapientia Eminence Professor and Chair Professor of Chemistry.   The Sapientia Eminence Professorship was made possible by a generous donation of $15 million from Moral Properties Limited. With this generous support, Professor Dai Hongjie, the recipient of the Sapientia Eminence Professorship, will be able to pursue research and academic endeavours.   To commence the event, Professor Xiang Zhang conveyed his appreciation to Mr and Mrs Cheung. 'Mr Cheung's generosity is a significant support for The University of Hong Kong (HKU) and for Hong Kong as a whole. Hong Kong is emerging as a hub for higher education, and talent is paramount to achieving this status. With talented individuals, we will attract a multitude of students and achieve numerous research breakthroughs. These research accomplishments can be leveraged into productivity, ultimately benefiting the development of Hong Kong's economy.'   Mr Vitor Cheung holds the belief that education plays a vital role in shaping lives and communities. He expressed, 'I aspire that my modest contribution can aid HKU in advancing innovation and technology, supporting Professor Dai in his research and development endeavors, and contributing to both Hong Kong and China.'   Professor Qiang Zhou elucidated the term 'GeWu (格物)' has its roots in the Confucian classic The Great Learning and serves as one of the mottos of HKU. It encapsulates the essence of seeking truth and acquiring wisdom. 'GeWu' aligns with the Latin term 'Sapientia,' which translates to 'wisdom'. He said, 'Professor Dai Hongjie, an esteemed international scholar, exemplifies this ethos by continually delving into the pursuit of truth in his research, embodying the spirit of "Sapientia Eminence".'   Professor Dai Hongjie, is currently Chair Professor in Chemistry, HKU, with a joint appointment in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and School of Biomedical Sciences in HKUMed. In his presentation, he showcased his groundbreaking work in infrared fluorescence imaging and highlighted his ongoing efforts in clinical translation. He aims to transform the clinical surgical landscape through precise imaging guided tumour resection that benefits numerous cancer patients, and imaging guided surgical navigation that protects healthy vital organs from accidental injury.     More about the Endowed Professorships Scheme   Professor Xiang Zhang presents the Endowed Professorships Commemorative Chair to Mr Vitor Cheung   (Back row from left) Dr Shunlong Wang, Professor Qiang Zhou; Mr Felix Vitor Cheung; Professor Dai Hongjie; Dr Meijie Tang, spouse of Professor Dai and Deputy Director of Technology Transfer Office; Mr Hoi Luk Ng, retired Assistant Director, HKU Finance and Enterprises Office; (Front row from left) Mrs Vitor Cheung and Mr Vitor Cheung   Group Photo of Cheung’s family, Professor and Mrs Zhang, Professor Dai and Dr Tang   Mr Vitor Cheung and Professor Xiang Zhang at the MoU signing and a check presentation in July 2024   Story and photos credit: DAAO