On Curriculum
There are several special features in the 6901 BSc curricula offered by the Faculty – 7 intensive majors, 6 accredited majors, 2 articulation pathways, and a Minor in Science Entrepreneurship, equipping outstanding undergraduate students with skills for versatile developments according to their aspirations, ability and interests. For more information, please click here.
one programme code with a choice of 11 science Majors and 7 Intensive Majors
complete freedom in choosing any science Major after admission
- no quota for each Science Major
- easy to change Majors
- second Major and Minor options are available in both Science or non-Science disciplines
11 Sciences Majors and 7 Intensive Majors are available:
Biological Sciences / Biological Sciences (Intensive)
Chemistry / Chemistry (Intensive)
Earth System Science
Ecology & Biodiversity / Ecology & Biodiversity (Intensive)
Environmental Science
Food & Nutritional Science
Geology / Geology (Intensive)
Mathematics / Mathematics (Intensive)
Molecular Biology & Biotechnology / Molecular Biology & Biotechnology (Intensive)
Physics / Physics (Intensive)
To complete the BSc degree curriculum, a student has to pass at least 240 credits, equivalent to 40 6-credit courses, normally spread over 4 years of full-time study.
For regular 96-credit Major, the curriculum typically comprises:
- 96 credits for 16 courses on Major including 2 Science Foundation Courses and capstone requirement (40%);
- 18 credits for 2 English courses and 1 Chinese course for university language requirement (7.5%);
- 36 credits for 6 Common Core courses in 4 Areas of Inquiry (15%);
- 90 credits for 15 courses available for electives, or courses leading to a Minor or a second Major (37.5%)
Curriculum Structure
component | courses | no. of credits | % |
Compulsory | Common Core English Chinese | 36 12 6 | 22.5% |
Specialisation | Science Major | 96 (including two Science Foundation courses and a capstone course) | 40% |
Electives | Electives, or courses leading to a Minor or 2nd Major | 90 | 37.5% |
Total |
| 240 | 100% |
For Intensive Majors
- 144 - 150 credits (24 - 25 courses) on Intensive Major including 2 Science Foundation Courses and capstone requirement;
- 18 credits for 2 English courses and 1 Chinese course for university language requirement;
- 36 credits for 6 Common Core courses in 4 Areas of Inquiry;
- 36 - 42 credits (6 - 7 courses) available for electives, or courses leading to a Minor.
Curriculum Structure
component | courses | no. of credits |
Compulsory | Common Core English Chinese | 36 12 6 |
Specialisation | Science Major | 144 - 150* (including two Science Foundation courses and a capstone course) |
Electives | Electives, or courses leading to a Minor or 2nd Major | 36 - 42 |
Total |
| 240 |
You are not required to declare your Major in the first year. You may "shop around" in your first and second years and make the decision after your second year of study at the latest.
Yes, but you may have to study the preparatory courses first to decide whether you can follow the Major.
No. Students are free to choose any science Major after admission.
Yes, certainly. But first of all, the Faculty did some estimation and believes the number of students in each Major will not fluctuate too widely from that of the past. Secondly, it is also natural for the number of students in different Majors to go up and down according to demand. Thirdly, the market will have a natural mechanism of adjustment.
Absolutely not. The Faculty will adjust teaching staff number to cope with changing number of students in a Major.
No, if you can still meet the curriculum requirements within the years of studies. If not, you may have to spend an extra semester or a year, or even longer.
Yes, in addition to the primary science Major for the BSc degree, you may take a second Major or a Minor in both Science and non-Science (arts, business, social sciences, engineering, etc) disciplines. About 1/4 of BSc students take one Major and one Minor, and another 1/4 take two Majors.
You have only one degree — the BSc, as you are accepted to the Bachelor of Science degree when you are admitted. The degree always goes with the first Major. But your Majors will be recorded on your transcript.
You have to have a primary Major in Science. The feasibility of the second Major or Minor does depend on timetable. The Faculty cannot make guarantee on feasibility of all combinations.
There is no quota for Science Majors, but for the Majors and Minors offered by other faculties, enrolment of courses may be restricted by quota, timetable clashes or certain requirements. There may be circumstances that you are not able to enroll in some of the popular courses offered by non-science departments, such as business courses.
Yes, subject to the approval of the department that offers the courses.
For those who intend to develop a career in a specialised area or further their study (MPhil/PhD), we would recommend them to specialise early on one subject and takes more than the minimum number of core courses required for the specialised subject.
The courses you have taken and the Major/Minor will be shown on the transcript.
We understand that selection of Major or course is a very important decision for students. Our Faculty academic advisers will advise students on the choice of Major, course requirement and possible Major-Minor combination to suit their interests, career aspiration and ability. The Faculty, has also produced an e-booklet on "Tips for choosing your Major".
Yes, we encourage undergraduate students to engage in research early. Research projects, Summer Research Fellowships, Overseas Research Fellowships and Undergraduate Research Fellowship Programme are available for students.
The University has introduced a central timetabling system requiring all undergraduate courses to adopt a standard timetable pattern and all time tables will be assigned centrally.
On Admissions
- English language: Level 3
Chinese language: Level 3
- Mathematics: Level 2
- Citizenship and Social Development: Attained/ Liberal Studies: Level 2
- Elective subjects: Level 3 in two subjects, with at least one elective subject in Biology, Chemistry, Physics
Students who are not applying on the strength of HKDSE qualifications such as Associate Degree, Higher Diploma, GCE, IB, SAT or students from Mainland or overseas will be considered individually under the Non-JUPAS scheme.
6901: 253 places for the programme; and an additional 75 places for Direct Admissions Scheme.
(There is a seperate quota for mainland and itnernational students)
Interviews may be arranged for principal nominees and students with outstanding performance in other areas such as extra-curricular activities, sports and leadership.
For JUPAS applicants
Students must have taken at least 4 core and 2 elective subjects to fulfill the university's minimum requirements. For admissions to the 6901 BSc programme, the Faculty will consider admissions based on the best 5 HKDSE subjects. The best 5 subjects must include English Language, Mathematics, the best Science elective subject*, plus the best two among the remaining Category A subjects and M1/ M2. Heavier weighting will be given to the following HKDSE subjects:
- Science elective subjects*, Mathematics and M1/ M2: each subject will be given a weighting of 1.5
*Science elective subjects: Biology, Chemistry and Physics
For Non-JUPAS applicants
For international and non-JUPAS applicants, admissions will be based on the Admissions Standards and individual merit.
Yes, M1 or M2 is counted as an elective subject (but not a "Science elective subject" as specified in previous question).
2024 Admissions scores (for reference)
- HKDSE: 22 - 41 (Best 5 subjects)
- GCEAL: 1A*, 2A (lowest admissions score)
- IB: 32 (lowest admissions score)
HKDSE ‘level to score’ conversion
Level | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 5* | 5** |
Score | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5.5 | 7 | 8.5 |
Yes, the first English course will be exempted.
For 6901 BSc Programme, the best results in years 2024 and 2025 will be considered, with no penalty.
The common admissions policy of the 6901 BSc programme may differ from other universities’ Science programmes in the following manner:
- HKU Science is the first university to implement this common admission since 2007;
- All the 11 Science Majors and 7 Intensive Majors offered by the Faculty of Science are under this common admissions policy;
- There is no quota for any of the 11 Science Majors and 7 Intensive Majors. Students have complete freedom in choosing any Science Major;
- Second Major and Minor are available in both Science and non-Science disciplines. About 1/4 students take one Major and one Minor, and another 1/4 take two Majors in the BSc degree curriculum each year.
Young Scientist Scheme (YSS) for Outstanding Students in 6901 BSc and 6688 Science Master Class (BSc&MRes)
As a strong, research-oriented faculty, the Faculty of Science at HKU is committed to providing our students with the best science education and incubating future scientists. YSS provides outstanding students with ample early research experiences in 6901 BSc Programme and 6688 Science Master Class Programme (BSc&MRes).
Students in YSS are guaranteed with:
- Enrolment in our flagship Summer Research Fellowship (SRF) Scheme to conduct research under the supervision of our professors in the first summer
- A further SRF or Overseas Research Fellowship (ORF) in a foreign institution in a subsequent year
- International exchange study, visiting or summer study
- Attendance in international scientific conference on frontier scientific research
- Individual guidance from a research mentor from the start of the undergraduate study
- Enrolment in our Frontiers of Science Honours Seminar to learn how our award-winning professors solve their research problems
- An entrance scholarship ranging from HKD 10,000 to HKD 70,000#
You may also visit the YSS website for more information.
# For JUPAS students with a total score of 35 or above in their best 5 HKDSE subjects (Category A subjects/M1/M2). Scholarship for Non-JUPAS students are considered on a case-by-case basis.
JUPAS students admitted to 6901 BSc programme with a total score of 35 or above in their best 5 HKDSE subjects (Category A subjects/M1/M2) and those admitted to 6688 Science Master Class programme are automatically accepted to YSS. No interview is needed.
HKDSE ‘level to score’ conversion
Level | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 5* | 5** |
Score | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5.5 | 7 | 8.5 |
Selected Non-JUPAS applicants will be invited to enrol in YSS.
6901 BSc students not admitted to YSS on entry but show excellent talent afterwards would still:
- have a second chance to enrol in YSS at a later stage
- be able to compete for SRF, ORF and/or international exchange during their study
Direct Admissions Scheme to the 3rd Year of 4-year BSc Programme
Candidates who hold a recognised full-time Associate Degree (AD) or Higher Diploma (HD) in community colleges in Hong Kong (at least two years in duration) in a relevant discipline are eligible to apply for direct entry to the third year of the 4-year BSc degree programme. Students in their second year of study of AD or HD programmes can also apply. You may also visit the direct admissions scheme website for more information.
75 places for 2025.
Some conditional offers will be issued to students in March/ April. For those who do not get conditional offers, they will be considered after the announcement of their AD/HD examination results in July.
The 4-year degree curriculum requires students to complete 240 credits for graduation. Students accepted to the third year of the 4-year BSc degree curriculum under this Scheme would be granted 120 credits of advanced standing including certain core courses of the Major, 24 credits (for AD holder) or 18 credits (for HD holder) of Common Core courses, 6 credits of English language course, 6 credits of Chinese language course and elective courses.
You can choose your Major from below. You are required to indicate your Major when you submit an application.
- Biochemistry
- Biological Sciences
- Chemistry
- Decision Analytics
- Earth System Science
- Ecology & Biodiversity
- Environmental Science
- Food & Nutritional Science
- Geology
- Mathematics
- Molecular Biology & Biotechnology
- Physics
- Risk Management
- Statistics