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Organising Committees

The preparation of anniversary celebrations is in full swing and the success of celebration activities relies tremendously on the continuous support and participation of our alumni. We are honoured to have alumni who devoted their time and effort to make the anniversary to become everyone’s anniversary, and would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to all of them.


TitleLast NameFirst NameDisciplineYear of Graduation
ProfessorCHOWBilly Kwok Chong--
ProfessorCHENGYiu Chung PatrickBSc1963
ProfessorCHEUNGAllan Shi Chung--
DrCHUNGShui Ming TimpsonBSc General1976
ProfessorHOWing Huen FrederickBSc - Mathematics & Chemistry1966
MrLAMChiu YingBSc General, BSc(Special)1971, 1972
DrPOONSun Cheong PatrickBSc1970
DrSOShu Fai AmbroseBSc1973
DrTANGShuk Ming WinniePhD - Ecology & Biodiversity1999
MrTSESik YanBSc1973
MrWONGKai ManBSc, BSc(Special) - Physics1972, 1973
DrWONGLeoBiological Sciences2011
ProfessorYAMWing Wah VivianBSc, PhD (Chemistry)1985, 1988
ProfessorYOUNGChien Ming EnochBSc1961
SalutationSurname NameGiven NameDisciplineYear of Graduation
DrCHANFun TingBSc, MPhil1978, 1983
MrCHANHon ManBSc1980
MrCHEUNGWai Man AnthonyBSc1978
ProfessorCHOWBilly Kwok Chong--
MsHOAster Chung SeeBSc1980
MsKWANHoi Yee ElaineBSc1978
MsLAUSau Mei TiffanyBSc1996
MsLAWMay Kuen AdaBSc1980
MrLEEJohnBSc (APBT)2006
MsLEESuk Ping CynthiaBSc1979
MrLEEChun HungBSc1979
MsLEUNGKin Ha (Kay)BSc2015
MrLEUNGShiu KeungBSc1975
MrLIKin Cheung HarrisonBScBSc student
DrLINGFrancis Chi ChungBSc, MPhil, PhD1990, 1995, 1996
MrMAKShu WingMSC2017
DrNGChun WaiBSc2003
MsNGJennyBSc (MAEF)2005
MrSHAMChi Hang ChristopherBSc1996
MrTANGHing SingBSc1986
MrWONGTak Chi IsaacBSc1986
MrWONGYao Wing RobertBSc1979
SalutationSurname NameGiven NameDisciplineYear of Graduation
DrCHANFun TingBSc, MPhil1978, 1983
MsCHEUNGYuen Ling, ElaineMStat2016
MsCHIUKa LoBSc2010
ProfessorCHOWBilly Kwok Chong--
MrCHUWai Nung IanBSc1976
MrLEEJohnBSc (APBT)2006
DrLEEMan Hoi--
MsLITing TingMStat2016
MsNGANTing TingBSc2004
MrPUNHok SumBSc2017
MrTAMChrisBSc (APBT)2004
MrTSOYun TakBSc2011
MrWONGTik LungBSc, MPhil2012, 2016
MrsYU CHANSiu HingBSc1973
SalutationSurname NameGiven NameDisciplineYear of Graduation
MsCHANPui Sze Caroline ChristinaBSc1996
MrCHANKing Lung (Walter)MPhil2003
MsCHIUKa LoBSc2010
ProfessorCHOWBilly Kwok Chong--
MrCHUWai Nung IanBSc1976
MsFUBetty Kam LuiBSc1970
MsKIUKin YanBSc1994
MsKWOKMing WaiBSc2010
MrLAMWai HimBSc2016
MsLAWYuk YinBSc2014
DrLAWKa Ho--
MrLEEJohnBSc (APBT)2006
DrLEEKai Ming--
DrNGChun WaiBSc2003
MrSHAMChi Hang ChristopherBSc1996
MrTAIKin ManBSc, MPhil1982
MrTSOYun TakBSc2011
MrsYU CHANSiu HingBSc1973
DrYUNGMan NaBSc, MSc(ENVM), PhD2007, 2010, 2016
SalutationSurname NameGiven NameDisciplineYear of Graduation
MrYUKam TimBSc1972
MrKANKa Hon NormanBSc1974
MrCHUWai Nung IanBSc1976
MrTAMSing Ki SimonBSc1977
Mr CHEUNGWai Man AnthonyBSc1978
MsYAUWing YeeBSc1987
MrWONGHeung WingBSc1988
MrWONGChak YanBSc1991
MsWONGShuk Chun DaisyBSc1994
MrWONGChun Fai JeffreyBSc1996
MrYEUNGSze Leung PhilipBSc1998
MsCHEUNGYin Fai FaithBSc2000
MrWONGWing Kee TonyBSc2002
MsCHAUMing Yan MichelleBSc2003
MrNGTsz WaBSc2003
MrPOONMing HoBSc2003
MsWUChun Lee JaneyBSc2003
MrTAMKa Ho ChrisBSc2004
DrLEETsz Hang LawrenceMSc(AG)2005
MsTSUIYuen Yu MonicaBSc2006
MrCHANMou Chak MaxBSc2007
MsCHEUNGShuk YinBSc2007
MrCHOIKa HeiBSc(ActuarSc)2007
MrYAMTsz Ho BrianBSc2007
MrsLEE CHANWan Ki WinkyBSc2008
MrCHEUNGChun Kit JacquiBSc2009
MsCHANTsz Lam TeresaBSc2010
MrLIKa Ming KelvinBSc(ActuarSc)2011
MrLAUWai ChungBSc2012
MrLAMChiu YingBSc General, BSc(Special)1971, 1972
MrTAMChi KanBSc, MSc(AG)1996, 2000
MsCHANWing Kan AdaBSc, MSc(AG)1996, 2002
MsHOHoi YanBSc, MSc(AG)1996, 2004
MrFUNGWai KitBSc, MPhil2000, 2004
MrLAMWai HungBSc, MPhil2002, 2005
MrNGKwok Chu DavidMSc(AG)2003
MrLAUChi TongBSc, MSc(AG)2004, 2008
MrCHANShun MingMSc(AG)2005
MrHOChiu ShekBSc, MSc(AG)2005, 2007
MrCHANMoon KeungMSc(AG)2008
MsCHANSin PingBSc, MSc(AG)2009, 2011
MrLEUNGKa Wing DicksonMSc(AG)2010
MrLAMYu WangMSc(AG)2012
MrHOYung ChiMSc(AG)2013
MsHOCheuk Wing SamanthaBSc, MSc(AG)2013, 2017
MrCHANTsz HoMSc(AG)2015
MsCHOWYuen Man YolandaMSc (Food Industry:
Management and Marketing)
MsLEEPui SuenMSc(AG)2015
MsLEEMan TingMSc(AG)2016

Collective effort achieves great things. We sincerely hope that more alumni can join us, either to serve as our class representative and help spread news of our events to fellow classmates from time to time, or to join the sub-committees for contributing valuable experience and ideas to the preparatory works. We truly believe that your role is crucial for HKU Science family to reunion and connect.

If you would like to help in whatever role you prefer, please contact the Faculty Office at for more information. Thank you.