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Useful Resources


HKU conducts institutional surveys on students’ learning experiences for undergraduates (SLEQ-UG) on an annual basis. The survey findings inform evidence-informed support for teaching and learning quality assurance and enhancement. All undergraduate students at their first, second, and final years of studies are invited to participate in the SLEQ-UG.


Students are strongly encouraged to complete the SLEQ online before the deadline for enhancement in student learning experience.


The key findings of the SLEQ-UG can be found at

Student Feedback on Teaching and Learning (SFTL), formerly known as Student Evaluation of Teaching and Learning (SETL), provides a structured feedback mechanism for the University’s courses and teaching.


Students are strongly encouraged to complete the SFTL online before the deadline to enhance the teaching and learning quality of the courses. By visiting, all forms (completed / outstanding) of your enrolled courses will be shown.


The results of course evaluation can be accessed via the Student Information System (SIS). Please follow the path: HKU Portal > Student Information System > HKU Course Management > Course Effectiveness.