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80 parties


It feels like it was just yesterday…

School life deviates a lot from work life. Recalling our student life, friendship was pure and simple. If school life and education changed you, then probably your classmates played a crucial role in it too.

For how long have you not connected with your classmates? When we are looking forward to the bright future, we should not forget where we come from. In light of the 80th Oak Anniversary of HKU Science, we advocate the idea of 80 Parties to encourage alumni of different classes to reconnect with fellow classmates; not solely on the virtual world by following someone or liking their status, but via face-to-face chats and interactions.

Make your first step and find your good old friends. You can organise a dinner gathering or a party, or play with the sun and enjoy the nature together. Just share the photos with us so that more of your classmates can join you! Your memories will be uncovered and those happy moments will reappear, the joy of reunion feels like it was just yesterday when you all first met.

You are more than welcome to share photos of reunion parties to us, so that the joy and happiness can be shared and spread.

The photos will be shared on this website or social media platforms. Submit your reunion parties photos* or sharable links of Google drive or Dropbox to

*We suggest the minimum size of the photos to be 1MB to ensure image quality.

Hesitate no more and let’s party!


Class of 1971 - group photo at centennial campus

Class of 1971 

Coming back to the place where everything got started


Class of 1973 - trip in mainland China

Class of 1973

A Pilgrimage to The Sage of Conceptual Science --- Self-driving Trip to LuShan (廬山), WuYuan (婺源) and YanDang (雁蕩)