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Strategic Moves, Quick Facts and Achievements

Excellent Teaching Assistant Award

The Excellent Teaching Assistant Award is established to recognize, reward and promote excellence in teaching support in the Faculty of Science.

Mr Shun LIMathematics2023-24
Mr Yueliang YAOChemistry2023-24
Dr Isis Aline Clemence GUIBERTBiological Sciences2022-23
Miss Yee Man Even LEUNGBiological Sciences2022-23
Miss Hannah Bethany TILLEYBiological Sciences2021-22
Mr Abdullah Nawabjan SHAIKBiological Sciences2020-21
Mr Thomas H T WONGPhysics2020-21
Mr Yinan SONGChemistry2019-20
Mr Ayon Ahmed HASSANBiological Sciences2018-19
Mr Cody Lee COLLEPSEarth Sciences2018-19
Mr Chan Ting YuEarth Sciences2017-18
Mr Chong Wing Fung Alfred Statistics and Actuarial Science2016-17
Miss Chen YuChemistry2015-16
Dr Gavin W PorterFaculty of Science2015-16
Mr Law Siu WaiBiological Sciences2014-15
Dr Timothy D WotherspoonFaculty of Science2014-15
Mr Cheung Pak LeongMathematics2013-14
Miss Chan Bin SanBiological Sciences2012-13
Mr Wong Tsun Yu JeffStatistics and Actuarial Science2012-13
Mr Lau Tak Chuen EdwardBiological Sciences2011-12
Mr Ambrose LoStatistics and Actuarial Science2011-12
Mr Sung Yik HeiBiological Sciences2010-11