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Distinguished Alumni 2019

Professor Man-Keung SIU

Professor Man-Keung SIU

Professor Man-Keung SIU

1966 BSc (General) graduate; 1967 BSc (Special) graduate

“Teach the subject in order to nurture people, and nurture people through teaching the subject.  One who is not tired of learning is not tired of teaching.  There is no end to learning as there is no end to teaching.”



  • Retired Professor of Department of Mathematics, The University of Hong Kong



After his BSc degree at HKU, Professor Man-Keung SIU went on to earn a PhD degree in mathematics from Columbia University.  Like the Oxford cleric in Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales, “and gladly would he learn, and gladly teach” for more than three decades until retirement in 2005,  Professor SIU is still enjoying doing that after retirement.   

Besides working on algebra and combinatorial mathematics, Professor SIU is very much interested in history of mathematics and mathematics education, in particular in integrating history of mathematics with the teaching and learning of mathematics.  Towards this goal he has been participating actively in an international community of History and Pedagogy of Mathematics since the mid-1980s.  More generally he attempted to offer courses, give lectures and write papers and books on showing mathematics as a human endeavour in the wide context of its relationship to other scientific disciplines, humanistic aspects and social impact.