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Media Highlights




香港新聞網:未來科學大獎科普講座在港舉行 莫毅明分享讀數學出路
Photo credit: 未來科學大獎基金會

Science News: Celestial Light Shows Physicists Decode the Cosmic Dance of Auroras on Earth, Jupiter, and Saturn

香港新聞網:未來科學大獎科普講座在港舉行 莫毅明分享讀數學出路Science News: Celestial Light Shows Physicists Decode the Cosmic Dance of Auroras on Earth, Jupiter, and Saturn 



Photo credit: 明報新聞網

香港01:未來科學大獎|8.16公佈得獎名單 辦青少年對話推動科普教育
Photo credit: 香港01

明報:港產AI炒餸機銷日美 香港01:未來科學大獎|8.16公佈得獎名單 辦青少年對話推動科普教育 



BBC News: China spacecraft Chang'e-6 first to collect samples from far side of the moon
Screenshot courtesy: BBC News

彭博商業週刊中文版:養蠔業 - 拯救海洋的綠色產業?

BBC News: China spacecraft Chang'e-6 first to collect samples from far side of the moon彭博商業週刊中文版:養蠔業 - 拯救海洋的綠色產業? 



文匯網:港大團隊受邀 今觀嫦六發射
Photo credit: 香港文匯報


文匯網:港大團隊受邀 今觀嫦六發射明報:科學家的故事:數學提高解難效率 



South China Morning Post: Hong Kong Biodiversity Museum Looks to Counter Prejudice’ against Spiders as Part of Mission to Boost Ecological Awareness
Photo credit: Hong Kong Biodiversity Museum

#Social Bites: A Substance that Protects against Parkinson’s Disease was Named
Image redits: Cell Reports 

South China Morning Post: Hong Kong Biodiversity Museum Looks to Counter Prejudice’ against Spiders as Part of Mission to Boost Ecological Awareness #Social Bites: A Substance that Protects against Parkinson’s Disease was Named  



South China Morning Post: Hong Kong Scientists Aim to Cure Ovarian Cancer by Capturing Cells Spreading to Other Organs
Image credit: Shutterstock

香港電台《科學•創未來》第四集《未來科學大獎獲獎者特輯-莫毅明 · 觸類旁通》

South China Morning Post: Hong Kong Scientists Aim to Cure Ovarian Cancer by Capturing Cells Spreading to Other Organs 香港電台《科學•創未來》第四集:《未來科學大獎獲獎者特輯-莫毅明 · 觸類旁通》 



Photo credit: RTHK 

Hong Kong Free Press: Hong Kong Butterfly Boom may be Linked to Warm Winter, with Habitat Loss Leading to Urban Sightings, Experts Suggest
Photo credit: Global change and tropical conservation

香港電台《鏗鏘集》:超級細菌Hong Kong Free Press: Hong Kong Butterfly Boom may be Linked to Warm Winter, with Habitat Loss Leading to Urban Sightings, Experts Suggest 



Hong Kong Free Press: Astrid Andersson on Hong Kong’s Critically Endangered Cockatoo Population
Photo redit: Alex Reshikov

Sunday Kiss: 保良局唐乃勤初中書院參與首個海綿生物多樣性調查 學保育及生命教育
Photo credit: 保良局唐乃勤初中書院 

Hong Kong Free Press: Astrid Andersson on Hong Kong’s Critically Endangered Cockatoo PopulationSunday Kiss: 保良局唐乃勤初中書院參與首個海綿生物多樣性調查 學保育及生命教育 




明報:{生態學達人}Timothy Bonebrake 日常觀察發掘對象 跨地域科研 救救穿山甲

大公報:糖尿病人新希望 鉻可助降血糖

明報:{生態學達人}Timothy Bonebrake 日常觀察發掘對象 跨地域科研 救救穿山甲 大公報:糖尿病人新希望 鉻可助降血糖 



China Daily: HK, Macao Add Thrust To Nation's Space Exploration

信報:無酒精氣泡飲 創另類茶文化

China Daily: HK, Macao Add Thrust To Nation's Space Exploration信報:無酒精氣泡飲 創另類茶文化 



星島日報:港大研實時化肥裝置 毒耕土轉營」夠環保

Business Today: 1000-year-old cosmic explosion mystery solved: Here is how it happened

星島日報:港大研實時化肥裝置 毒耕土轉營」夠環保Business Today: 1000-year-old cosmic explosion mystery solved: Here is how it happened  



RTHK Vibrant Hong Kong: HKU Scientist Wins Xplore Award and Shares His Research on Mars
Image credit: RTHK

The American Astronomical Society (AAS) Journal Author Series: The Mysterious Alignment of Ghost Stars

RTHK Vibrant Hong Kong: HKU Scientist Wins Xplore Award and Shares His Research on MarsThe American Astronomical Society (AAS) Journal Author Series: The Mysterious Alignment of Ghost Stars 



香港電台:港大獲嫦娥五號月壤樣本 有助研究月球熱演化歷史
Image credit: RTHK


香港電台:港大獲嫦娥五號月壤樣本 有助研究月球熱演化歷史  無綫電視時事通識:長鬚鯨骨骼標本 



HKIBC English News: Talk the Walk with Quentin Parker on China's Space Program
Image credit: HKIBC

Sky News: Biologists reveal a scissor enzyme that cuts the chromatin bridge and prevents DNA damage and autoimmunity
Image credit: Vriko Yu 

HKIBC English News: Talk the Walk with Quentin Parker on China's Space ProgramYoung Post: Ocean Park and Archireef Launch Coral Restoration Centre in Hong Kong, Aim to Rebuild Reefs in Deep Water Bay 



SCMP: Scientists Say New Nanomaterial can Harness Sunlight to Produce Hydrogen for Green Energy
Image credit: Shutterstock

Young Post: University of Hong Kong Students Turn Food Waste into Dog Toothpaste through Upcycling Competition
Image credit: Young Post/SCMP

SCMP: Scientists Say New Nanomaterial can Harness Sunlight to Produce Hydrogen for Green EnergyYoung Post: University of Hong Kong Students Turn Food Waste into Dog Toothpaste through Upcycling Competition 



香港01 : ESG人才需求增 港大環境科學理學士就業率100% 平均月入1.7萬
Image credit: HK01

無綫新聞:港大去年成立全港首個校園生蠔養殖場 料至少未來三個月產2400萬串蠔苗

無綫新聞:港大去年成立全港首個校園生蠔養殖場 料至少未來三個月產2400萬串蠔苗
Image credit: Forbes Asia

香港01 : ESG人才需求增 港大環境科學理學士就業率100% 平均月入1.7萬無綫新聞:港大去年成立全港首個校園生蠔養殖場 料至少未來三個月產2400萬串蠔苗Forbes: Meet The Marine Biologist-Turned-Entrepreneur Restoring Coral Reefs Using 3D Printing And Clay



Scienmag: HKU astrophysicists reveal the nature of dark matter through the study of crinkles in spacetime
Image credit: ALMA, L Calcada, Y. Hezaveh et al.

Sky News: Biologists reveal a scissor enzyme that cuts the chromatin bridge and prevents DNA damage and autoimmunity
Image credit: Dr Gary Ying Wai CHAN and
Dr Huadong JIANG

Scienmag: HKU astrophysicists reveal the nature of dark matter through the study of crinkles in spacetime     Sky News: Biologists reveal a scissor enzyme that cuts the chromatin bridge and prevents DNA damage and autoimmunity 



明報: 綠色生活:倒入深海 對抗暖化 碳封存海底 埋下生態炸彈
Photo credit: Schmidt Ocean Institute, FK190106, 
Erik Cordes Chief Scientist

香港01:港大學者研納米機械人令材料具備智能決策 盼用於精準治療癌症

明報: 綠色生活:倒入深海對抗暖化 碳封存海底埋下生態炸彈  Forbes: Meet The Marine Biologist-Turned-Entrepreneur Restoring Coral Reefs Using 3D Printing And Clay  



South China Morning Post: Scientists seek public help to keep track of butterflies across Hong Kong and southern China

澎湃: 港大神經科學家發現胰泌素受體調控飲水行為
Image credit: Dr Fengwei ZHANG

South China Morning Post: Scientists seek public help to keep track of butterflies across Hong Kong and southern China 澎湃: 港大神經科學家發現胰泌素受體調控飲水行為  



BusinessNews: Innovation harnesses electron-triggered light emission for quantum-based computational and communication systems
Image courtesy: Lei CHEN


BusinessNews: Innovation harnesses electron-triggered light emission for quantum-based computational and communication systems 香港01:專家解5迷思開蓋淋水超錯! 




HKU-Harvard physicists predict novel entangled states on programmable quantum simulators

香港01:港大學者研納米機械人令材料具備智能決策 盼用於精準治療癌症

鳳凰衞視:港大物理學家部署新一代超級電腦「黑體」 探索最複雜的物理及天文難題香港01:港大學者研納米機械人令材料具備智能決策 盼用於精準治療癌症 



明報:港大另一團隊研辨表情AI 偵虐兒偵拔喉偵面試表現Arctic ostracods credited by He Wang
Image credit: He Wang
明報:港大另一團隊研辨表情AI 偵虐兒偵拔喉偵面試表現Quick Telecast: Scientists Discover Southward Migration Of Arctic Ocean Species During The Last Glacial Period 



HKU-Harvard physicists predict novel entangled states on programmable quantum simulators

Photo credit: MDAi

World Times Today: HKU-Harvard physicists predict novel entangled states on programmable quantum simulatorsStartUpBeat: 港大元宇宙校園開放試用創先河   



港大「螞蟻普查」收集各國研究數據 發現全球共二萬兆隻 冀了解對地球生態重要性Thousands of undiscovered ancient lakes may have supported water on Mars 
有線寬頻i-Cable: 港大「螞蟻普查」收集各國研究數據 發現全球共二萬兆隻 冀了解對地球生態重要性Innovation News Network: Thousands of undiscovered ancient lakes may have supported water on Mars 



疫向淺中醫Marine ecologist Jane Wong’s research into microalgae is helping turn harmful natural phenomena into sustainable commercial products 
無綫電視: 疫向淺中醫CNN: Marine ecologist Jane Wong’s research into microalgae is helping turn harmful natural phenomena into sustainable commercial products 



港⼤物理學家探索⾼度量⼦糾纏物質形態 證明量子自旋液體存在港大太空研究實驗室揭開「宇宙秘線」起源 
東網: 港⼤物理學家探索⾼度量⼦糾纏物質形態 證明量子自旋液體存在頭條日報:港大太空研究實驗室揭開「宇宙秘線」起源 



港大將設全港首個生蠔孵化場 最快七月試業 料年產200萬隻蠔苗‘Mini hotels’ for sea creatures reveal Hong Kong’s rich marine life 
香港01: 港大將設全港首個生蠔孵化場 最快七月試業 料年產200萬隻蠔苗South China Morning Post: ‘Mini hotels’ for sea creatures reveal Hong Kong’s rich marine life 



Growing demand for pet spiders and scorpions puts rare species at risk晴報:中學生設計立方衞星 帶先人骨灰漫遊太空晴報:中學生設計立方衞星 帶先人骨灰漫遊太空
AsiaOne: Growing demand for pet spiders and scorpions puts rare species at risk星島網:港大揭巨噬細胞促進卵巢癌腹膜轉移新機制 助研究治療策略

晴報:中學生設計立方衞星 帶先人骨灰漫遊太空

香港電台:創科新里程 - 合成化學頭條POP News: 含腐蝕性化學物 遇水升溫達90度 本報委託專家測試 揭自熱食物安全隱憂 


頭條POP News:含腐蝕性化學物 遇水升溫達90度 本報委託專家測試 揭自熱食物安全隱憂 



Well Magazine Asia: City Nature Challenge 2022: Get outside and have fun recording nature’s wonders in your own backyard東方日報:港大發現肝蛋白走脂防惡疾 減患糖尿 高血壓 肝癌風險 
Well Magazine Asia: City Nature Challenge 2022: Get outside and have fun recording nature’s wonders in your own backyard東方日報:港大發現肝蛋白走脂防惡疾 減患糖尿 高血壓 肝癌風險 



晴報:港大研究 │ 逾2000年歷史藥物「硝酸銀」 可助抗耐藥超級惡菌 有效抑菌緩解皮膚壞死星島:港大頂尖運動員入學計畫錄取3人 包括大滿貫冠軍黃澤林 
晴報:港大研究 │ 逾2000年歷史藥物「硝酸銀」 可助抗耐藥超級惡菌 有效抑菌緩解皮膚壞死星島:港大頂尖運動員入學計畫錄取3人 包括大滿貫冠軍黃澤林 



TOP!CK: 港大研究揭保衛細胞助植物儲糖及澱粉 兼協調二氧化碳吸收和固定信報:女生回收USB線改造減浪費 
TOP!CK: 港大研究揭保衛細胞助植物儲糖及澱粉 兼協調二氧化碳吸收和固定信報:女生回收USB線改造減浪費 



TOP!CK: 港大發現潛在廣譜口服抗新冠特效藥 有效針對新冠病毒及其變異株香港商報:港大研發新一代抗癌化合物 晚期癌症或有望變成慢性病 
TOP!CK: 港大發現潛在廣譜口服抗新冠特效藥 有效針對新冠病毒及其變異株香港商報:港大研發新一代抗癌化合物 晚期癌症或有望變成慢性病 




香港01:《科學期刊》發表偷蛋龍胚胎論文 本港首現港產「恐龍女博士」   
香港01:《科學期刊》發表偷蛋龍胚胎論文 本港首現港產「恐龍女博士」