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Teaching Staff

Professor BAKER, David Michael

Professor BAKER, David Michael

Interim Director of SWIMS and Associate Professor, School of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, HKU

B.A. (2001) Biology, St. Mary's College of Maryland; M.S. (2004) Biology, American University; Ph.D. (2010) Ecology & Evolutionary Biology; Cornell University

  • 3917 3606
  • 2858 3477
  • KBSB 6S14

Teaching areas

  • Environmental Science
  • Environmenual Oceanography
  • Pollution
  • Field and Lab Methods


Research areas

  • Coral Reef Ecology
  • Biogeochemistry
  • Stable Isotope Ecology
  • Symbiosis
  • Global Change
  • Marine Pollution



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