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Outstanding Research Student Supervisor Award 2019

Professor Wai Ki CHING

Professor Wai Ki CHING
Department of Mathematics

Professor Wai Ki CHING from Department of Mathematics, received his BSc (1991) and MPhil (1994) degrees from the University of Hong Kong, and his PhD degree (1998) from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He was awarded the Croucher Foundation Fellowship to pursue his postdoctoral research at the University of Cambridge. After working as a Lecturer at the University of Southampton, he joined his alma mater in 2001, where he is currently a Professor in the Department of Mathematics.

Professor Ching’s main research interests are stochastic modelling and matrix computations, in particular, the applications of stochastic models and numerical algorithms in bioinformatics, management science and quantitative finance. He has authored over 300 articles including more than 200 peer-reviewed journal publications. He received a Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Award (Second Prize) from China’s Ministry of Education in 2014 and also a Distinguished Alumni Award (Faculty of Engineering) from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2017.

Based on the belief that our next generation of researchers should be more capable of solving problems that we cannot solve today, Professor Ching sees his role as a supervisor as providing students with the support and freedom to explore their talents and enhance this capability. His 15 PhD and nine MPhil graduates have won seven best paper awards and seven travelling awards at international conferences.