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Outstanding Teaching Award (OTA) of the Teaching Excellence Award Scheme (TEAS) for 2011

Dr Angela P L Tong of Department of Chemistry

Dr Angela P L Tong of Department of Chemistry received the University Outstanding Teaching Award (OTA) of the Teaching Excellence Award Scheme (TEAS) for 2011 for her achievements and contributions in teaching excellence and engagement with students and their learning, and curriculum design, renewal and innovation. 


Dr Angela P L Tong
Department of Chemistry


"As a Chemistry teacher, it is nice to see that my students are also fascinated by the beauty of chemistry and appreciative of its relevance to our daily life; nevertheless, my goal of teaching should be far beyond that. The experiences I gained over these years of teaching made me realise the importance of allowing students to select their own path according to their aptitudes and interests. I hope to see that my students would be able to develop their potential, find their passion, achieve their goal and live in a way that bears meaning to themselves.

When I recall my own experience as a student, teachers not only helped students to develop academic ability but also played an important role to shape their values and attitudes. Being a teacher, I have plenty of opportunities to interact with my students. I am glad that many of them have trust in me and would approach me for discussion on both academic and non-academic matters. While I am a teacher, I feel very much that I am a learner in the process as well. I enjoy spending my time interacting with students, both inside the classroom and beyond. It is great to see them grow and develop, and be able to find their way. While I am helping them to learn and develop their potential, I am also learning from my students to teach and improve myself. I am truly grateful to my students for being the source of my passion for teaching.

With the new 4-year undergraduate curriculum to be implemented soon, the whole university is working hard towards this one of the most significant transformations ever attempted in the higher education sector in Hong Kong. I am glad that I have the chance to participate in this reform to update and revamp the Chemistry curriculum with the aim to equip our students with knowledge and skills to face the challenges in this rapidly changing and increasingly technologically-based world.”