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Strategic Moves, Quick Facts and Achievements


Award for Outstanding Professional Services Staff 2017-18

Ms Cindy Chan
Ms Cindy Chan
Faculty of Science


“Of all obstacles at work, complacency is the least productive yield. Only breaking rules can pave way for creativity.”

Since her joining at HKU Science family 12 years ago, Cindy has been proactive in building a creative publicity team for the Faculty, expanding the scope of projects across promotions, publication, event management, outreach, media relations and alumni networking, etc.

Cindy shows immense commitment to her work. Amid the launch of Faculty reforms and Oak Anniversary celebrations, she is passionate to take up new challenges, albeit with limited time and resources. Being a creative solution provider, she is able to communicate the Faculty vision to teammates and add value to the projects. She has mobilised her team to eschew conventions and create a refreshing new face for all Faculty promotions materials in a clean and clear way. Externally, Cindy has collaborated closely with the central offices to enhance the Faculty’s representation in the community and media exposure significantly. 

As the head of a small team, Cindy always brings energy to the team and strengthens rapport among team members. She encourages the heart of others, helps teammates to set clear goals, step out of their comfort zones, develop competencies and build their respective portfolios.

Cindy’s dedication at her work is also recognised at University level. She was shortlisted as one of the Top 5 Finalists for the inaugural Professional Services Individual Award 2016-17. She has lived up to the spirit of working productively, partnering with teams and improving continuously. Her initiative in inspiring colleagues to think out of the box demonstrates her commitment in enhancing synergy of the team and achieving best possible results.