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Strategic Moves, Quick Facts and Achievements


Award for Outstanding Professional Services Staff 2019-20

“Face challenges and risks, stay alert and strong, solve the problems with our coherent, synergetic technical team.”
Mr Donald Mak

Mr Donald Chi Chuen MAK
Technical Manager,
Deparment of Chemistry

Mr Donald MAK joined the Department of Chemistry as the technical team leader in 2006. Over the years, Donald had strived to reorganise the structure of the technical team, reallocating job roles according to the strengths of members, which effectively enhances both team performance and satisfaction.

As a proactive unit that seeks to expand, the Department of Chemistry quickly finds itself running out of sufficient laboratory space. In order to accommodate the rapid expansion under limited resources, Donald had put great efforts in rearranging the spaces available in several science buildings. With an exceptional sense of leadership, he also managed to lead different projects at the same time.

As the COVID-19 pandemic started to strike last year, the Department responded swiftly with the Safety Office by making a bulk of sterilising handrub for the HKU community and stakeholders. Assisted by Donald, the Department was able to maintain adequate supply of personal protection gears to all its members, even under a market  situation with severe shortage. Nevertheless, Donald did not take the credits all. He would like to give special thanks to Head of Department Professor Chi-Ming CHE, the departmental technical team, as well as the trusted partner of the Department Mr Laurance LO for their support.

Donald has been helping the Department to improve the standard operating procedures in laboratories in the past years, by developing automation such as Safety APP, chemical tracking system, online booking and charging system, etc. In the future, Donald hopes to further develop more automation tools, like ELN system and ordering and financial system, in order to better assist the operation and management of the Department.