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Facilities & Infrastructure

Hong Kong Biodiversity Museum

The Hong Kong Biodiversity Museum (HKBM) is the first museum in Hong Kong that dedicates to biodiversity. It strives to be a natural history museum that promotes environmental education and appreciation of biodiversity, fostering its preservation as a part of mankind’s natural heritage, supporting scientific research on biodiversity, and enhancing the biodiversity literacy of the general public.


Hong Kong Biodiversity Museum


About the museum history

Since he joined the School of Biological Sciences in 2014, Dr Benoit Guénard has been volunteering to curate the specimens in the department. With the help of ecologists from different areas, his team managed to reorganise the uncategorised collections, revitalise the depository of specimens and reorganise them to serve various roles in education and research. 

About the collections

With over 25,000 specimens, HKBM hosts the most comprehensive biodiversity collection within the territory. The extensive collection of birds is no doubt the highlight, alongside primates, rodents, pangolins from all over the world and some local and smaller vertebrates. Several species collected from the 1920s to 1970s, are unfortunately now considered threatened and thus represent an important heritage to pass on to future generations. 
Species in Hong Kong Biodiversity Museum

Species in Hong Kong Biodiversity Museum

Species in Hong Kong Biodiversity Museum

Species in Hong Kong Biodiversity Museum

Species in Hong Kong Biodiversity Museum

Tour guides in Hong Kong Biodiversity MuseumSpecies in Hong Kong Biodiversity Museum


For more information, please visit the official website of the Hong Kong Biodiversity Museum