Dr. WU Daphne Mei Yi
Lecturer, School of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, HKU
BSc (HKU); PgD (Ulster); MSc (Ulster); Grad. Dip. (IOC); PhD (Exeter)
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- 3917 3899
- 2858 3477
Teaching Areas
Public Health Nutrition
Nutrition and Life Cycle
Nutrition and Sports Performance
Introduction to Food and Nutrition
Practical classes for FNS major courses: Public Health Nutrition, Nutrition and Life Cycle
Research Interests
Nutrition and health promotion
Exercise and Sports Nutrition
Functional Foods
Food security
Dietary supplements
Dietitian of The Health and Care Professions Council
Full member of The British Dietetic Association
Associate Fellow of The Higher Education Academy
Fellow of Hong Kong College of Community Health Practitioners
Publications and News
Daphne M.Y. Wu. Chapter 23 Promotion of Healthy and Safe Cities for a Healthier Lifestyle. In Ben Y.F. Fong and William C. W. Wong (Eds). Gaps and Actions in Health Improvement: Health for All, All for Health. Springer Nature (In print)
Daphne M.Y. Wu. Chapter 8 Healthy Lifestyle. In. Ben Y.F Fong and Martin C.S. Wong (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Public Health and the Community. Taylor & Francis. ISBN 978-0367634193
Yuepeng Su, Kuopeng Cui, Shen Ma, Shuanglin Dong and Mei Yi (Daphne) Wu. Mathematical Modeling of the Growth of Chinese Shrimp (Fenneropenaeus chinensis) in High Density Stocking Pond. Advances in Computer Science Research. 91:6-14.
Mildred S. Yang and Mei Yi Wu. Chapter 50 Chinese Ginseng. In Ramesh C. Gupta. (Ed) Nutraceuticals: Efficacy, Safety and Toxicity. Academic Press. pp 695-707.
Wu, M. Y., Bowtell, J. L., & Williams, C. A. Glycaemic index of meals affects appetite sensation but not energy balance in active males. Eur J Nutr. 53(1):309-19.
Wu, D. Nutrition for Marathon Runners. In B. Fong & H. O. Wai (Eds.), Marathon in Hong Kong: Challenges and Health (pp. 167-192). Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong. ISBN 9789629964306
Awards and Honours
Professional Development Award by the British Dietetic Association