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19 Sep 2024

HKU Tops Local Universities with Thirty-Five Young Scientists Awarded Funding from National Natural Science Foundation of China

    The National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) has awarded funding to 35 young researchers at The University of Hong Kong (HKU) for 2024, making HKU the institution with the highest count of award recipients amongst its peer institutions in Hong Kong this year.

    Seven professors in Business & Economics, Engineering, Medicine and Science have been honoured with funding from the “National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars”, a top-tier programme by the NSFC, which expanded its eligibility to include Hong Kong and Macao researchers for the first time this year. Each project will receive funding of RMB4 million (RMB2.8 million for areas of mathematics and management science).

    Additionally, seven other professors in Business & Economics, Engineering, Medicine, Science and Social Sciences, have been awarded the prestigious “Excellent Young Scientists Fund”, each project will receive funding of RMB2 million; while 21 have received funding from the “Young Scientists Fund”, each project will receive funding of RMB300,000.

    The NSFC funding schemes

    National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars

    The National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars supports young male scholars under the age of 45 and female scholars under the age of 48 who have made outstanding achievements in basic research to select their own research directions and conduct creative research, so as to speed up the growth of young scientific talents, attract overseas talents and foster a group of prominent academic pacemakers in the forefront of international science and technology. Each project will receive funding of RMB4 million (RMB2.8 million for areas of mathematics and management science) over five years, in the form of cross-border remittance to directly support the researchers' work in Hong Kong.

    Excellent Young Scientists Fund

    The Excellent Young Scientists Fund supports young male scientists under age 38 and young female scientists under age 40 with good achievements in basic research to conduct innovative research in areas of their own choice, so as to promote fast growth of creative young talents and foster a number of outstanding talents on the international science frontiers. Each project will receive funding of RMB2 million over three years, in the form of cross-border remittance to directly support the researchers' work in Hong Kong.

    Young Scientists Fund

    The Young Scientists Fund supports young male scientists under age 35 and young female scientists under age 40 to freely select their research topics within the funding scope of NSFC to conduct basic research, particularly focus on fostering the ability of young scientists to independently undertake research projects and conduct creative research, stimulates their creative thinking and trains backup talents for basic research. Each project will receive funding of RMB300 thousand over three years, in the form of cross-border remittance to directly support the researchers' work in Hong Kong.